Author: super_admin_v3x


by default wppizza widgets have a classname of wppizza_widget. As this is not referenced in the plugin itself, you could change that classname to something you might prefer. To do so you can add the following to your wp-config.php define('WPPIZZA_WIDGET_CSS_CLASS', 'some_classname'); somewhere before /* That's 


By default plaintext emails are wrapped at 70 characters to enable as many email clients as possible to read any emails received. If you are certain that all recipients of your wppizza emails can read emails at a different linelengths, you can force the required 


you can overwrite the following constants by adding them to your wp-config.php


a) WPPIZZA_ADMIN_TEMPLATES_PERPAGE – how many templates (Wppizza->templates) per page do you want to display before pagination kicks in. Useful if there is a low max_post_vars set in your php.ini which can result in not all parameters saving when adding additional templates. If this is the case, decrease the value from the default of 5 to something lower (minimum should be 1 though)

/* 5 templates per page */


b) WPPIZZA_ADMIN_ORDER_DELIVERED_STATUS – by default, the “order updated” time will only be updated when changing the order status (Wppizza -> order history) to “Delivered”. If you would like this time to be updated too on changing to other Statusses, set the values as below – the example below adds the ‘ACKNOWLEDGED’ status.

Make sure the set the value to be a serialized array.

/* update time changed on changing to DELIVERED or ACKNOWLEDGED status */


c) WPPIZZA_ADMIN_FORMFIELDS_VALIDATION_MULTISELECT – Wppizza ->formfield settings allows for selection of various javascript validations to be associated with each form field. Set below constant to true to allow for multiple validation requirements per formfield.

/* set to true to enable multiple validation on wppizza formfields */


d) WPPIZZA_ADMIN_DASHBOARD_TRANSIENT_REPORTS_EXPIRY – The WPpizza admin dashboard widget will get updated once an hour by default (i.e every 3200 seconds).
If you wish to change this value, add the below constant, setting the required value in seconds. Note: Wppizza -> reports will always use live/non-cached data

/* set to 7200 - to update once every 2 hours only */


constants above should be added to your wp-config.php somewhere before
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */


THE BELOW ARE DEVELOPMENT CONSTANTS AND SHOULD NOT BE USED IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT you can overwrite the following constants by adding them to your wp-config.php   a) WPPIZZA_DEV_ADMIN_NO_SAVE – if set to true, wppizza parameters will not be saved if changed (might be useful 

Cart empty on checkout

If your order/checkout page always displays “cart is empty” or similar, even after you have added item to the cart in other pages it is usually due to the required WPPizza orders database table not being created because the site is using an old mySql 


The below constants only need changing if another plugin uses the same _GET variables to do something else – in 99.999% of cases you should be able to just leave them alone

However, if the above should be the case you can overwrite the following constants by adding them to your wp-config.php. Ensure the two values set are different from each other. !!!


a) WPPIZZA_TRANSACTION_GET_PREFIX – get parameter for successful transaction

/* wpptx used as default */


b) WPPIZZA_TRANSACTION_CANCEL_PREFIX – get parameter for cancelled transaction

/* wppcltx used as default */


constants above should be added to your wp-config.php somewhere before
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

Shortcodes do not work in widgets

Some Themes do not have shortcode support enabled in text widgets. To enable, either add this line to the functions.php of your theme; add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);, use one of the wordpress plugins available that do this or contact the theme developer and ask him/her to enable 

Missing WPPizza Categories in Admin

There is the rare (the cause is yet unidentified) issue of sometimes not all WPPizza categories you have set showing up when going to WPPizza – Categories in the admin side of things even though they are happily showing up in the frontend. If you 

Update Failed: Plugin Update Failed

The – most likely – cause for this error is a file/directory permission issue, especially if – at some point – you updated plugins directly by using ftp.

For a possible solution have a look at
and generally
of course.

Some security plugins will also apply settings that would stop this process to work.
Therefore, if you are using plugins like wordfence or similar, or things like “System Tweaks” in iThemes, try de-activating those (temporarily) and see if the update works then.
(If it does, simply re-activate the aforementioned plugins/settings after your successful update)

If you are using settings in an .htaccess file to restrict siteaccess by implementing some sort of authentication to access your site, disable this authentication requirement then try to update the plugin(s) and subsequently re-enable authentication as appropriate.

If none of that helps, you can also do the following:

(It is always advisable to make a full backup of your site first if things should go wrong for some reason !)

  • De-activate the plugin(s) in question but DO NOT UNINSTALL them (if you uninstall, you WILL loose your settings related to the plugin you uninstalled)
  • Download the updated/latest versions of the plugin(s) from
  • Unzip the downloaded update(s) somewhere
  • Ftp into your site and simply overwrite the plugin files with the updated ones you unzipped earlier(typically found in [path]/wp-contents/plugins/[plugin-in-question]/[files|dirs to overwrite])
  • Note: if you do that you *might* change file permissions/ownership and subsequently get the (same) issue you are having regarding updates – then again as you are using ftp because you already have that issue, it wont change anything really)
  • Re-activate the plugin(s) from within the WP dashboard – it will update what needs to be updated

I’m using the plugin with xyz theme and it’s all messed up

first thing to try (if you haven’t done so already): re-save the pages WPPizza has created (I’m NOT talking about the WPPizza Categories and Menu Item Pages, but the pages that display a list of your item – typically a page that has a shortcode