wppizza / markup / loop / posts.thumbnail.php

Menu items – featured images / thumbnails / image placeholder (if any) Note: many display options are also available by simply using the relevant shortcode attributes or setting options in WPPizza -> Layout instead of using filters CSS Targeting element ID: #wppizza-article-img-[post_id] element class: .wppizza-article-image 

wppizza / markup / loop / posts.prices.php

Menu items – displaying sizes, prices, currency symbols, cart icon Note: many display options are also available by simply using the relevant shortcode attributes or setting options in WPPizza -> Layout instead of using filters CSS Targeting element ID: #wppizza-article-sizes-[post_id] element class: .wppizza-article-sizes element class: 

wppizza / markup / loop / posts.content.php

Menu items – displaying the content/text as set in each menu item Note: many display options are also available by simply using the relevant shortcode attributes or setting options in WPPizza -> Layout instead of using filters CSS Targeting element ID: #wppizza-article-content-[post_id] element class: .wppizza-article-content 

wppizza / markup / loop / posts.permalink.php

Menu items – displaying the permalink to single menu item Note: many display options are also available by simply using the relevant shortcode attributes or setting options in WPPizza -> Layout instead of using filters If you display the permalink you – most probably – 

wppizza / markup / loop / additives.php

Menu items – displaying the list of additives after all menu items Note: many display options are also available by simply using the relevant shortcode attributes or setting options in WPPizza -> Layout instead of using filters CSS Targeting element class: .wppizza-additives element class: .wppizza-additives-[style] 

wppizza / markup / loop / pagination.php

Menu items Pagination/Navigation – display pagination/navigation under menu items if necessary pagination display is dependent on settings in WPPizza -> Layout -> General -> Menu Items per page CSS Targeting element class: .wppizza-navigation element class: .wppizza-navigation-[style] if you simply want to edit some styles/layout (text-sizes, 

wppizza / markup / loop / theme-wrapper.php

Menu items Theme Wrapper Template – to be used in conjunction with Install Option 2 or if you want to use the Navigation widget WP -> Appearance -> Widgets -> WPPizza : Type=Navigation display menu categories dynamically utilising your theme’s layout/templates NOTE: although the below 

wppizza / markup / cart / cart.container.php

Main cart element containing order details using shortcode [wppizza type=’cart’] or the widget available from Appearance -> Widgets -> Wppizza -> Widget Type=’Cart’ This is the inner cart element excluding the “opening hours”, “pickup choices” and/or “orders info”(discounts, charges) elements that will be displayed before 

wppizza / markup / cart / cart.shopclosed.php

Text displayed (paragraph element) in main cart widget when shop is closed If you just want to change the text itself, instead of using filters, set it in Wppizza -> Localization. CSS Targeting paragraph element class: .wppizza-closed if you simply want to edit some styles/layout 

wppizza / markup / cart / cart.empty.php

Text displayed (paragraph element) in main cart widget when cart is empty If you just want to change the text itself, instead of using filters, set it in Wppizza -> Localization. CSS Targeting paragraph element class: .wppizza-cart-empty if you simply want to edit some styles/layout