Changes v2.x -> v3.x
A – non-comprehensive – list of the main changes between v2.x -> v3.x
Dedicated Customer Page in Admin (WPPizza->Customers)
Additional formfields validation options (WPPizza->Order Form Settings)
Itemised Order Details, Summary and Transaction Details now using table elements for consistency throughout
Admin new order notifications (audio and visual) now built in (WPPizza->Settings)
Admin settings are now sub-categorised somewhat more logically
Repurchasing option added (WPPizza->Order Settings)
Many more shortcode options/attributes when displaying menu items (such as using different layouts , changing element order etc) – please refer to the shortcode documentation
Tidy up of order history somewhat with added option (getting each customer details) and css improvements regarding responsiveness
Retired old default templates (email/print) in favour of only using drag and drop templates for consistency
Removed sticky cart option in favour of minicart
Any WPPizza templates edited must now reside in a wppizza sub-directory to be read (see developer docs regarding templates editing)
Added input field (WPPizza->Layout) to customise/override css declarations
Access rights (WPPizza->Access rights) now includes settings for Menu Items and Categories
As v3.x is a 90% re-write almost all action and filter hooks have changed – please refer to the developer documentation regarding details.
Much more normalized info in the wppizza_orders table for easier 3rd party plugin development
Various performance improvements
More consistency throughout