5.18.Additional validation function
Adding additional validation functions to fields in WPPizza -> Order form
There are a number of additional javascript validation functions in-built into the plugin. However, aside from the default ones you can already select you have to selectively enable the ones that are of use to you.
The following functions are available (please see the jquery validation documentation for details on each)
- alphanumeric
- maxWords
- minWords
- rangeWords
- accept
- bankaccountNL
- bankorgiroaccountNL
- bic
- cifES
- cpfBR
- creditcard
- creditcardtypes
- currency
- dateFA
- dateITA
- dateNL
- extension
- giroaccountNL
- iban
- integer
- ipv4
- ipv6
- lettersonly
- letterswithbasicpunc
- mobileNL
- mobileUK
- nieES
- nifES
- notEqualTo
- nowhitespace
- parameters
- phoneNL
- phoneUK
- phoneUS
- phonesUK
- postalCodeCA
- postalcodeBR
- postalcodeIT
- postalcodeNL
- postcodeUK
- require_from_group
- skip_or_fill_minimum
- stateUS
- time
- time12h
- url2
- vinUS
- zipcodeUS
- ziprange
- decimal /* wppizza plugin custom added methods – not a jqueryvalidation rule */
enabling one of the above rules
@param: array (all validation rules)
@return: array
add_filter('wppizza_filter_validation_rules','my_function'); //to enable an exiting rule above - let's say 'phoneUS' function my_function($validation_rules){ $validation_rules['phoneUS']['enabled'] = true; return $validation_rules; }
creating and adding your own rules
/*-----------------------php (see also https://docs.wp-pizza.com/developers/?section=filters-actions-functions)-----------------------------------------------*/ //to add your own rule - let's say 'my_rule' add_filter('wppizza_filter_validation_rules','my_function'); function my_function($validation_rules){ $validation_rules['my_rule']= array( 'lbl'=> 'My Rule', 'parameters'=>false, 'callback'=>false, 'enabled'=>true); return $validation_rules; } /*-----------------------js-----------------------------------------------*/ // then add the rule like so via wp_footer action hook (or add it to an already existing js file) // adjust the validation pattern as appropriate for your validation rule jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $.validator.methods.my_rule = function (value, element) { return this.optional(element) || /^(?:\d+|\d{1,3}(?:[\s\.,]\d{3})+)(?:[\.,]\d+)?$/.test(value); } // adding a custom error message if validation fails instead of the default (not actually tested but should work just the same) jQuery.extend(jQuery.validator.messages, { my_rule: 'some error message, }) });
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