
  1. Modify Css / Styles / Layout
    1. Layout (Menu Items, General)
    2. Frontend Css
    3. Admin Css
  2. Templates
    1. Pages
      1. page.order.php
      2. page.confirm-order.php
      3. page.processing.php
      4. page.thankyou.php
      5. page.cancelled.php
      6. page.purchase-history.php
    2. Order
      1. itemised.php
      2. summary.php
      3. transaction_details.php
    3. Global
      1. orderinfo.php (Widget)
      2. openingtimes.php (Widget)
      3. additives.php (Widget)
      4. navigation.list.php (Widget)
      5. navigation.dropdown.php (Widget)
      6. search.php (Widget)
      7. totals.php (Widget)
      8. pickup_choice.php (Mixed)
      9. login.php (Module)
      10. profile.register.php (Module)
      11. profile.update.php (Module)
      12. pages.pickup_note.php (Module)
      13. formfields.inputs.php (Module)
      14. formfields.values.php (Module)
    4. Cart
      1. cart.container.php
      2. cart.shopclosed.php
      3. cart.empty.php
      4. cart.pickup_note.php
      5. cart.checkout_button.php
      6. cart.empty_cart_button.php
      7. cart.minimum_order.php
      8. minicart.php
    5. Loop (Menu Items)
      1. header.php
      2. no_results.php
      3. posts.title.php
      4. posts.thumbnail.php
      5. posts.prices.php
      6. posts.content.php
      7. posts.permalink.php
      8. additives.php
      9. pagination.php
      10. theme-wrapper.php
    6. Search Results
      1. search.php
    7. Single Menu Item
      1. single.php
    8. functions.php
  3. Filters, Actions, Functions
    1. Global WPPizza functions
    2. WPPizza options (Filter)
    3. Currency (Filter)
    4. After every order (Action)
    5. Getting orders (Function)
  4. Constants
    1. Admin Name
    2. Admin Menu Icon
  5. Codesnippets
    1. Create your own sales report
    2. Order history - todays orders
    3. Email/Print Templates
    4. Email Subject Line
    5. Add attachment to email
    6. On order status update
    7. Unconfirmed Orders
    8. Customise order id
    9. Changing post type arguments
    10. Gateway filters frontend
    11. Users previous orders
    12. Dynamic menu item prices
    13. Update prices in bulk
    14. Prices output in loop
    15. Pickup Opening Times
    16. Pickup/Delivery by Url
    17. Checkout Formfields
    18. Additional validation function
  6. Extensions / Gateways
    1. Add Ingredients
    2. Autoprint
    3. Confirm | Reject | Notify
    4. Coupons and Discounts
    5. Cross-Sells
    6. Delivery By Post/Zipcode
    7. Goodcom Printer
    8. Mailinglists
    9. Pdf Invoices
    10. Preorder
    11. Gateway - Stripe

5.1.Create your own sales report

Modify the sales report generated when clicking the export link in WPPizza -> Reports

The sales report can be manipulated using a variety of filters/actions according to the examples below. Depending on your requirements, you might need to use one, more or all of them.

wppizza_filter_csv_columns_detailed / wppizza_filter_csv_rows_detailed (v3.9+)

Removing columns from / adding columns to “Detailed” report export WPpizza->Reports


	removing all "order verbose" details
	adding a custom column 
	use print_r($columns) for all available column keys
add_filter( 'wppizza_filter_csv_columns_detailed', 'myprefix_alter_report_columns' );
function myprefix_alter_report_columns($columns){
		remove order_verbose column label

		add custom column
	$columns['my_column'] = 'My Custom Column';

	return $columns;
add_filter( 'wppizza_filter_csv_rows_detailed', 'myprefix_alter_report_rows', 10, 4 );
function myprefix_alter_report_rows($order, $values, $user_data, $oId){
		remove order_verbose column data

		add custom column.
		adding some data based on $order or $values
		parameters for example
	$order['my_column'] = 'some data' ;

	return $order;

wppizza_filter_csv_export_select / wppizza_filter_csv_export_{$key} (v3.9+)

Creating your own report and adding it to “WPPizza->Reports->Export” dropdown


	adding "My custom report" to report export dropdown options
	using 'myprefix_myreport' key
add_filter('wppizza_filter_csv_export_select', 'myprefix_export_name' );
function myprefix_export_name($array){
		adding report with "myprefixmyreport" key to dropdown 
		(key must be a-zA-Z0-9 only)
	$array['myprefixmyreport'] = 'My custom report';

return $array;
	generating report for export when 'myprefixmyreport' 
	was seleccted in dropdown
add_filter('wppizza_filter_csv_export_myprefixmyreport', 'myprefix_report_export', 10 , 3 );
*	[generating the csv]
*	@param str
*	@param array
*	@param str
*	@return str
*	the below will generate exactly the same report as when using the "detailed" 
*	option from the dropdown, so edit as required for your purposes
function myprefix_report_export($csv, $data, $type){
	#	order data will always be grouped by blogs, even if only one blog and/or it's not a multisite setup
	#	(in a multisite setup orders from multiple blogs might be returned depending on settings
	#	and additionally have different order form settings labels and/or counts)
	#	so we need to always loop through each blog (though there might only be one of course)

		ini an empty array
		we implode later
		to the csv string
	$csvData = array();

		ini an empty array
		that will contain
		the csv rows of each blog
	$csvBlogRows = array();

		columns used
		per blog to add
		more empty separators
		if necessary when putting it
		all into a single csv
	$columnCount = array();

	#	first of all, make sure there's actually some data returned
		foreach($data['blogs'] as $blogID => $blogInfo){

			/* * * * * * * *
			#	set top row  - blog info
			* * * * * * * */

			$blog_info = array();
			$blog_info['blog_id'] = '"(Blog #'.$blogInfo['blog_id'].')"';
			$blog_info['blogname'] = '"'.substr($blogInfo['blogname'], 0, 18 ).'"';//lets not have massive strings here
			//$blog_info['siteurl'] = substr($blogInfo['siteurl'], 0, 16 );// skip this for now. might mess up column widths and blogname should do really

			/* ---------------------------
				allow blog info filtering
			--------------------------- */
			$blog_info = apply_filters('wppizza_filter_csv_bloginfo_'.$type.'', $blog_info, $blogInfo, $blogID);

				max columns this blog
			$columnCountBlogInfo[$blogID] = count($blog_info);

				convert bloginfo comma separated (to not mess up column widths too much) string
			$csvBlogRows[$blogID]['blog_info'] = implode(',', $blog_info);

			/* * * * * * * *
			* * * * * * * */

			/* * * * * * * *
			#	set second row - column labels
			* * * * * * * */
			$columns = array();

			/* order transaction details */
			$columns['order_id'] = __('Order ID', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['order_date_formatted'] = __('Date', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['order_paid_by'] = __('Paid By', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['payment_status'] = __('Status', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['transaction_id'] = __('Transaction ID', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['self_pickup'] = __('Pickup', 'wppizza_admin');

			/* WP (un)-registered users */
			$columns['user_registered'] = __('Registered User', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['user_username'] = __('Username', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['user_fullname'] = __('Full Name', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['user_email'] = __('eMail', 'wppizza_admin');

			/* customer info labels - entered in checkout page - related to each order looping through each formfield */
			foreach($data['formfields'][$blogID] as $ffID => $ffValues){
				$columns['customer_'.$ffID] = $ffValues['label'];
			$columns['customer_ip_address'] = __('IP Address', 'wppizza_admin');

			/* order items */
			$columns['order_verbose'] = __('Order Verbose', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['number_of_items'] = __('Products Count', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['products_verbose'] = __('Products Verbose', 'wppizza_admin');

			/* financials */
			$columns['currencyiso'] = __('Currency', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['total_price_items'] = __('Price Items', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['total_discounts'] = __('Discounts', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['delivery_charges'] = __('Delivery Charges', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['handling_charges'] = __('Handling Charges', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['tips'] = __('Tips', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['tax_rates_verbose'] = __('Tax Rates', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['taxes_included'] = __('Taxes Included', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['taxes'] = __('Taxes', 'wppizza_admin');
			$columns['total'] = __('Total', 'wppizza_admin');

			/* ---------------------------
				allow column name filtering
			--------------------------- */
			$columns = apply_filters('wppizza_filter_csv_columns_'.$type.'', $columns );

				max columns this blog
			$columnCount[$blogID] = count($columns);

				convert column names to comma separated string and add linebreak
			$csvBlogRows[$blogID]['columns'] = implode(',', $columns);

			/* * * * * * * *
			* * * * * * * */

			/* * * * * * * *
				loop through orders - matching values to column
			* * * * * * * */

			$orders = array();

			foreach($data['orders'][$blogID] as $oId => $values){

				$order = array();

					order transaction details
				$order['order_id'] = $oId ;

				$order['order_date_formatted'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $values['order']['order_date_timestamp']);

				$order['order_paid_by'] = $values['order']['initiator'];

				$order['payment_status'] = $values['order']['payment_status'];

				$order['transaction_id'] = $values['order']['transaction_id'];

				$order['self_pickup'] = !empty($values['order']['self_pickup']) ? 'Y' : 'N';

					WP (un)-registered users
				$user_id = $values['order']['wp_user_id'];//user id associated with this order
				$user_data = $data['users'][$user_id];//user date associated with this user id (if any)

				$order['user_registered'] = !empty($user_id) ? 'Y' : 'N';
				$order['user_username'] = !empty($user_data) ? $user_data['user_login'] : '';
				$order['user_fullname'] = !empty($user_data) ? $user_data['first_name'] . ' ' . $user_data['last_name'] : '' ;
				$order['user_email'] = !empty($user_data) ? $user_data['user_email']  : '' ;

					customer info labels - entered in checkout page -
					related to each order looping through each formfield
					make sure to wrap each line in quotes
				foreach($data['formfields'][$blogID] as $ffID => $ffValues){
					$order['customer_'.$ffID] = $values['customer'][$ffID];
				$order['customer_ip_address'] = $values['customer']['ip_address'];

					order items
				$order['order_verbose'] = $values['order']['verbose'];

				$order['number_of_items'] = $values['order']['number_of_items'];

				$productsVerbose = array();
				foreach($values['items'] as $iId => $item){
					$productsVerbose[$iId] = $item['quantity'].'x '.$item['title'].' ['.$item['price_label'].'] - '.$item['pricetotal_formatted'] ;
				$order['products_verbose'] = implode(PHP_EOL, $productsVerbose);

				$order['currencyiso'] = $values['order']['currencyiso'];

				$order['total_price_items'] = $values['order']['total_price_items'];

				$order['total_discounts'] = (0 - $values['order']['total_discounts']);//make negative

				$order['delivery_charges'] = $values['order']['delivery_charges'];

				$order['handling_charges'] = $values['order']['handling_charges'];

				$order['tips'] = $values['order']['tips'];

				$taxRatesVerbose = array();
					foreach($values['order']['tax_by_rate'] as $taxType=>$rates){
						$taxRatesVerbose[] = $taxType . ' @' . $rates['rate'].'%';
				$order['tax_rates_verbose'] =  implode(PHP_EOL, $taxRatesVerbose);//wrap in quotes to make sure linebreaks work

				$order['taxes_included'] = !empty($values['order']['tax_included']) ? 'Y' : 'N';

				$order['taxes'] = $values['order']['taxes'];

				$order['total'] = $values['order']['total'];

				/* ---------------------------
					allow row data filtering
				--------------------------- */
				$order = apply_filters('wppizza_filter_csv_rows_'.$type.'', $order, $values, $user_data, $oId );

					convert to comma separated string
					each value enclosed by quotes
					to make sure linebreaks are recognised
					using helper function to sanitise csv values
				$order = array_map('myhelper_sanitize_csv_values', $order);
				$orders[$oId] = '"'.implode('","', $order).'"';

				 join all orders adding linebreaks in between
			$csvBlogRows[$blogID]['orders'] = $orders;

			/* * * * * * * *
			* * * * * * * */

		create csv for each blog
		accounting for maximum columns per blog
		adding comma separators if  necessary
	$maxColumns = max($columnCount);

		foreach($data['blogs'] as $blogID => $blogInfo){
				determine how many additional separators we need for each line of data of this blog
			$additionalSeparatorsBlogInfo = ($maxColumns - $columnCountBlogInfo[$blogID]);
			$additionalSeparatorsData = ($maxColumns - $columnCount[$blogID]);

			/* blog info */
			$csvBlogRows[$blogID]['blog_info'] = $csvBlogRows[$blogID]['blog_info']. str_repeat(",", $additionalSeparatorsBlogInfo);

			/* columns */
			$csvBlogRows[$blogID]['columns'] = $csvBlogRows[$blogID]['columns']. str_repeat(",", $additionalSeparatorsData);

			/* order data */
			$orders = array();
			foreach($csvBlogRows[$blogID]['orders'] as $oId => $order){
				$orders[$oId] = $order . str_repeat(",", $additionalSeparatorsData);
			$csvBlogRows[$blogID]['orders'] = implode(PHP_EOL, $orders);

				implode data for this blogid
			$csvData[$blogID] = implode(PHP_EOL, $csvBlogRows[$blogID]);


	/* # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * #
	#	implode data for all blogids to a single string,
	#	for otput adding some linebreaks after each blog data
	* # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # */
	$lineBreaks =  PHP_EOL . str_repeat(",", $maxColumns) . PHP_EOL . str_repeat(",", $maxColumns). PHP_EOL  ;
	$csv =  implode($lineBreaks, $csvData) . $lineBreaks;

return $csv;
*	[sanitise csv values. just to make sure we have csv conform values
*	converting entities, removing commas and quotes
*	called before imploding order data to csv string ]
*	@since 3.9
*	@param str
*	@return str
function myhelper_sanitize_csv_values($value){
	/* a - strip tags */
	$value = wp_strip_all_tags($value);
	/* b - convert commas */
	$value = str_replace(',',";", $value);
	/* c - convert quotes */
	$value = str_replace('"',"`", $value);

return $value;


alter the query according to your requirements

@param: str (the whole query string)
@param: str (blog prefix)
@param: str (more or less the WHERE part of the query using the appropriate date ranges etc – just for convenience in some circumstances)
@return: str


add_filter('wppizza_filter_report_query', 'my_prefix_my_query', 10, 3);
function my_prefix_my_query($ordersQuery, $wpdbPrefix, $oQuery){
	 maybe not the most useful example but to keep it simple - 
	 look at the table structure of the wppizza_orders table to create a query appropriate to your scenario  
	$ordersQuery = str_ireplace("WHERE", "WHERE wp_user_id = '5' AND ");/* keep the query as is, but only query sales from user with user_id 5 */

return $ordersQuery;


modify the dataset array that will be passed on to the wppizza_report_export function and the wppizza_custom_report action below

@param: array (current dataset)
@param: array (order details returned for each order the query result includes)
@return: array


add_filter('wppizza_filter_report_datasets', 'my_prefix_my_datasets', 10, 2);
function my_prefix_my_datasets($datasets, $processOrder){
	/* adding my_custom_dataset to already existing/default ones */	
	$datasets['my_custom_dataset'] = array();
	$datasets['my_custom_dataset']['count'] = 0;
	/* a very basic example */
	foreach($processOrder as $k=>$v){
		/* use print_r($v) to get all array key/values associated with an order*/
		$datasets['my_custom_dataset']['count'] ++; 
		$datasets['my_custom_dataset'][$k]['value'] = 'some value for order with key '.$k.'';

return $datasets;


modify the results (rows/columns etc) to be used in the csv file to export/save

@param: array ($result – array of csv parts/results to be included in report)
@param: array ($report_data – array of report_data including datasets)
@return: array


add_action('wppizza_filter_reports_export_results', 'my_custom_reports_export_results');
function my_custom_reports_export_results($result, $report_data){
	Check / vardump $result parameter to get array keys/values of the report
	some examples below - modify as required
	/* do NOT include the "sales value by order status"  in csv */

	/* do NOT include the "sales value by gateway"  in csv */

	/* do NOT include "sales by item" in csv */
	 add 'my customised dataset' created by using wppizza_filter_report_datasets - see example above - to the report output 
	$result['my_custom_dataset'] = '';// initialise the string
	$result['my_custom_dataset'] .= PHP_EOL . '"some label"'. PHP_EOL ; /* add header row */
	/* add results rows */
	foreach($report_data['dataset']['my_custom_dataset'] as $key=>$array){
		$result['my_custom_dataset'] .= $array['value']; // add data row
		$result['my_custom_dataset'] .=PHP_EOL;// make sure to start a new line for each new row
	$result['my_custom_dataset'] .=PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; // add another couple of empty lines for clarity after the end of it all

return $result;


creating your own export report, completely REPLACING the whole function with your own

@param: array ($report_data)
@return: void

as i starting point i would suggest the following
– copy the whole ‘wppizza_report_export’ function (located in classes/subpages/subpage.reports.php) as your ‘my_custom_report_export’ function.
– you must remove the action hook (do_action(‘wppizza_custom_report’, $report_data);) in that copy or you will have an infinite loop
– edit as required

add_action('wppizza_custom_report', 'my_custom_report_export');
function my_custom_report_export($report_data){
	 run your own reports functions using a copy of  
	wppizza_report_export (see notes above), so it's something like:

	$currency = $report_data['currency'];
	$dataset = $report_data['dataset'];/* $dataset  will also now contain your $datasets['my_custom_dataset'] from above - do print_r($report_data to get the whole array) */

	 ... a lot more code ....
	header("Content-Length: " . strlen($result));
	echo $result;
	exit();// dont forget to exit


Report functions


wppizza_reports_data() (v3.12+)

get csv report data as a string in a variable

@param: array (query arguments)
@return: string (as csv)


$args = array(
		range of report data to retrieve. 
		if 'from' or 'to' are omitted defaults to last 30 days
	'range' => array(
		'from' =>'2020-04-01', //from date in 'Y-m-d' format. Will always use time of 00:00:00
		'to' =>'2020-04-15', //to date in 'Y-m-d' format. Will always use time of 23:59:59 
		defaults to 'detailed' if omitted. Should not be set to 'summary' (this will not work). 
		Use above filters to filter the detailed report if you wish 

		If you have created your own report using 'wppizza_filter_csv_export_select' and 'wppizza_filter_csv_export_{$key}' above
		use that type ($key) instead if you wish to retrieve the data of that report
	'type' => 'detailed',

	return the csv data as a string in the $csv variable
$csv = wppizza_reports_data($args);

	You can now use the data contained in '$csv' to - perhaps - save it to some file 
	or save to file and email the report as attachment somewhere 
	or do whatever it is you need to do ...
	If you wanted your code to run as a WP cronjob refer to the WordPress codex regarding scheduling wp_cron 

Suggest Edit

documentor id 5