5.3.Email/Print Templates
Email / Print template functions – Requires WPPizza v3.9.3+
wppizza_template_parameters / wppizza_template_markup (functions)
query for a certain set of orders and return print or email template markup – according to template selected – for each order
example :
/********************************************************* * [get email or print template parameters] * @since 3.9.3 * @param array of args * @args str ('print' or 'emails') * @args mixed * (if $type 'emails' you can use a specific id(int) or use 'customer' or 'shop' as id value to get the template parameters for the respective recipient) * (if $type 'print' you can use a specific id(int) or '' (empty string) to get the default print template set to be used for printing) * @return array *********************************************************/ $args = array( 'type' => 'print', 'id' => 0, ); $param = wppizza_template_parameters($args); /********************************************************* * [get orders - see https://docs.wp-pizza.com/developers/?section=function-wppizza_get_orders for query parameters ] * example here queries for one order by id *********************************************************/ /* get order formatted for a particular order id */ $args = array( 'query'=>array( 'order_id' => $oId ,//order id you are quering for ), 'format' =>array( 'blog_options' => array('localization', 'blog_info', 'date_format', 'blog_options'), 'sections' => true,// this should be set to true for passing on [sections] array to wppizza_template_markup args below ) ); $order = wppizza_get_orders($args); /* formatted order reset to get the only one there is which includes localization etc NOTE: if your wppizza_get_orders query might return more than one result ,you should NOT reset the array here but use a loop instead for the template markup below passing on the relevant $order and $template parameters */ $order = reset($order['orders']); /********************************************************* * [get template markup - markup for a specific order based on a selected email or print template] * SHOULD BE USED INSIDE A LOOP IF MORE THAN ONE RESULT * @since 3.9.3 * @param array of args * @args array (order already formatted) * @args array template parameters as returned by wppizza_template_parameters * @args bool false to get only the content type selected in the template, true to get plaintext AND html * @return mixed (array|str) *********************************************************/ $args = array( 'order' => $order, 'param' => $param, 'content_type' => false ); $markup = wppizza_template_markup($args);
wppizza_skeleton_template_emails (function)
get *email* skeleton template (“WPPizza->Templates->eMails”) by id or shop/customer inserting content between header and footer, replacing what is normally used to display order details
$id = 0; /* this could be a template id or you can use 'shop' or 'customer' to get the email template in use for email to shop or customer */ $content= 'my email content';/* string */ $markup = wppizza_skeleton_template_emails($id, $content); /* $markup will now be the whole template as a string using $content as the message between header and footer */
wppizza_skeleton_template_print (function)
get *print* skeleton template (“WPPizza->Templates->Print”) by id, inserting content between header and footer, replacing what is normally used to display order details
$id = 0; /* print template id - int */ $content= 'my print content';/* string */ $markup = wppizza_skeleton_template_print($id, $content); /* $markup will now be the whole template as a string using $content as the message between header and footer */
documentor id 5