
  1. Modify Css / Styles / Layout
    1. Layout (Menu Items, General)
    2. Frontend Css
    3. Admin Css
  2. Templates
    1. Pages
      1. page.order.php
      2. page.confirm-order.php
      3. page.processing.php
      4. page.thankyou.php
      5. page.cancelled.php
      6. page.purchase-history.php
    2. Order
      1. itemised.php
      2. summary.php
      3. transaction_details.php
    3. Global
      1. orderinfo.php (Widget)
      2. openingtimes.php (Widget)
      3. additives.php (Widget)
      4. navigation.list.php (Widget)
      5. navigation.dropdown.php (Widget)
      6. search.php (Widget)
      7. totals.php (Widget)
      8. pickup_choice.php (Mixed)
      9. login.php (Module)
      10. profile.register.php (Module)
      11. profile.update.php (Module)
      12. pages.pickup_note.php (Module)
      13. formfields.inputs.php (Module)
      14. formfields.values.php (Module)
    4. Cart
      1. cart.container.php
      2. cart.shopclosed.php
      3. cart.empty.php
      4. cart.pickup_note.php
      5. cart.checkout_button.php
      6. cart.empty_cart_button.php
      7. cart.minimum_order.php
      8. minicart.php
    5. Loop (Menu Items)
      1. header.php
      2. no_results.php
      3. posts.title.php
      4. posts.thumbnail.php
      5. posts.prices.php
      6. posts.content.php
      7. posts.permalink.php
      8. additives.php
      9. pagination.php
      10. theme-wrapper.php
    6. Search Results
      1. search.php
    7. Single Menu Item
      1. single.php
    8. functions.php
  3. Filters, Actions, Functions
    1. Global WPPizza functions
    2. WPPizza options (Filter)
    3. Currency (Filter)
    4. After every order (Action)
    5. Getting orders (Function)
  4. Constants
    1. Admin Name
    2. Admin Menu Icon
  5. Codesnippets
    1. Create your own sales report
    2. Order history - todays orders
    3. Email/Print Templates
    4. Email Subject Line
    5. Add attachment to email
    6. On order status update
    7. Unconfirmed Orders
    8. Customise order id
    9. Changing post type arguments
    10. Gateway filters frontend
    11. Users previous orders
    12. Dynamic menu item prices
    13. Update prices in bulk
    14. Prices output in loop
    15. Pickup Opening Times
    16. Pickup/Delivery by Url
    17. Checkout Formfields
    18. Additional validation function
  6. Extensions / Gateways
    1. Add Ingredients
    2. Autoprint
    3. Confirm | Reject | Notify
    4. Coupons and Discounts
    5. Cross-Sells
    6. Delivery By Post/Zipcode
    7. Goodcom Printer
    8. Mailinglists
    9. Pdf Invoices
    10. Preorder
    11. Gateway - Stripe

5.3.Email/Print Templates

Email / Print template functions – Requires WPPizza v3.9.3+

wppizza_template_parameters / wppizza_template_markup (functions)

query for a certain set of orders and return print or email template markup – according to template selected – for each order

example :

*	[get email or print template parameters]
*	@since 3.9.3
*	@param array of args
*		@args str ('print' or 'emails')
*		@args mixed
*		(if $type 'emails' you can use a specific id(int) or  use 'customer' or 'shop' as id value to get the template parameters for the respective recipient)
*		(if $type 'print' you can use a specific id(int) or  '' (empty string) to get the default print template set to be used for printing)
*	@return array
	$args = array(
		'type' => 'print',
		'id' => 0,
	$param = wppizza_template_parameters($args);

*	[get orders - see for query parameters ]
*	example here queries for one order by id
		get order formatted for a particular order id
	$args = array(
			'order_id' => $oId ,//order id you are quering for
		'format' =>array(
			'blog_options' => array('localization', 'blog_info', 'date_format', 'blog_options'),
			'sections' => true,// this should be set to true for passing on [sections] array to wppizza_template_markup args below
	$order = wppizza_get_orders($args);
		formatted order
		reset to get the only one there is which includes localization etc
		NOTE: if your wppizza_get_orders query might return more than one result 
		,you should NOT reset the array here but use a loop instead for the template markup
		below passing on the relevant $order and $template parameters 
	$order = reset($order['orders']);

*	[get template markup - markup for a specific order based on a selected email or print template]
*	@since 3.9.3
*	@param array of args
*		@args array (order already formatted)
*		@args array template parameters as returned by wppizza_template_parameters
*		@args bool false to get only the content type selected in the template, true to get plaintext AND html
*	@return mixed (array|str)
	$args = array(
		'order' => $order, 
		'param' => $param, 
		'content_type' => false
	$markup = wppizza_template_markup($args);

wppizza_skeleton_template_emails (function)

get *email* skeleton template (“WPPizza->Templates->eMails”) by id or shop/customer inserting content between header and footer, replacing what is normally used to display order details


$id = 0; /* this could be a template id or you can use 'shop' or 'customer' to get the email template in use for email to shop or customer */
$content= 'my email content';/* string */
$markup = wppizza_skeleton_template_emails($id, $content);

   $markup will now be the whole template as a string using 
   $content as the message between header and footer

wppizza_skeleton_template_print (function)

get *print* skeleton template (“WPPizza->Templates->Print”) by id, inserting content between header and footer, replacing what is normally used to display order details


$id = 0; /* print template id - int */
$content= 'my print content';/* string */
$markup = wppizza_skeleton_template_print($id, $content);

   $markup will now be the whole template as a string using 
   $content as the message between header and footer
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