5.4.Email Subject Line
Change the default subject line used in emails
/*** email subject lines are made up of 3 parts filter each part as required based on your preferences ****/ add_filter('wppizza_filter_email_subject', 'myprefix_filter_email_subject', 10, 2); function myprefix_filter_email_subject($subject, $order_formatted){ /* defaults //dynamic depending on settings in wppizza order form , but typically its the site name plus perhaps some personal info */ $subject['prefix'] = '[--------- conditional/dynamic text ---------------]' ; //from wppizza->localization $subject['main'] = $order_formatted['localization']['your_order']; //date/time according to wordpress date/time settings */ $subject['suffix'] = date_i18n($order_formatted['date_format']['date'], WPPIZZA_WP_TIME)." ".date_i18n($order_formatted['date_format']['time'], WPPIZZA_WP_TIME).""; //This typically produces something like "My Shop Your Order March 25, 2020 6:31 pm" where: $subject['prefix'] = 'My Shop'; $subject['main']= 'Your Order'; $subject['suffix']= 'March 25, 2020 6:31 pm'; */ // example: if you want to not add the date/time at the end $subject['suffix'] = ''; //or simply unset($subject['suffix']); // example: change the typically main "My Order" $subject['main'] = 'whatever it is you want'; // example: add something after it all $subject['some_additional_key'] = 'something added to the end of the subject line; /* for conditionals depending on order values, you can use the 2nd "$order_formatted" parameter */ return $subject; }
As of version 3.6.7+ an additional parameter has been added to the filter with the order details already formatted
add_filter('wppizza_filter_email_subject', 'prefix_filter_email_subject', 10 , 3); function prefix_filter_email_subject($subject, $order, $order_formatted){ /* $subject is an array made up of $subject['prefix'] - typically contains blogname followed by items added to subject line in wppizza->order form $subject['main'] - typically contains "your order" localization string (wppizza->localization) $subject['suffix'] - typically contains date of order according to date/time format set in WP->settings */ /* example: adding the label of a gateway as set in wppizza->gateways after the prefix , tweak as required*/ $subject['prefix'] .= ' '.$order_formatted['ordervars']['payment_type']['value_formatted']; /* example2: adding the paymet method (i.e typically simply "Cash" or "Credit Card" ) , tweak as required*/ $subject['prefix'] .= ' '.$order_formatted['ordervars']['payment_method']['value_formatted']; /* see $order_formatted for all available parameters */ return $subject; }
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