- Modify Css / Styles / Layout
- Templates
- Pages
- Order
- Global
- orderinfo.php (Widget)
- openingtimes.php (Widget)
- additives.php (Widget)
- navigation.list.php (Widget)
- navigation.dropdown.php (Widget)
- search.php (Widget)
- totals.php (Widget)
- pickup_choice.php (Mixed)
- login.php (Module)
- profile.register.php (Module)
- profile.update.php (Module)
- pages.pickup_note.php (Module)
- formfields.inputs.php (Module)
- formfields.values.php (Module)
- Cart
- Loop (Menu Items)
- Search Results
- Single Menu Item
- functions.php
- Filters, Actions, Functions
- Constants
- Codesnippets
- Create your own sales report
- Order history - todays orders
- Email/Print Templates
- Email Subject Line
- Add attachment to email
- On order status update
- Unconfirmed Orders
- Customise order id
- Changing post type arguments
- Gateway filters frontend
- Users previous orders
- Dynamic menu item prices
- Update prices in bulk
- Prices output in loop
- Pickup Opening Times
- Pickup/Delivery by Url
- Checkout Formfields
- Additional validation function
- Extensions / Gateways
to change the WPPizza icon in the WP admin/backend just add define('WPPIZZA_MENU_ICON', 'http://url/path/to/your/icon.png');
to your wp-config.php anywhere before /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
i.e. – add to /edit your wp-config.php to be something like
define('WPPIZZA_MENU_ICON', 'http://www.mydomain.com/wp-content/theme/mytheme/wordpress-logo.png');
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
you probably want to use an icon no bigger than 30×30 (or thereabouts)
to get something like this
documentor id 5