Prices output in loop

Dynamically change menu items prices display in loop

an example to add “from” in front of a particular menu item’s price


@param: array
@param: obj
@param: str
@return: array


add_filter('wppizza_filter_post_prices', 'myprefix_wppizza_item_prices', 10, 3);
function myprefix_wppizza_item_prices($prices, $post, $style) {
	/* add "from" before price of menu item with id 415, but only for first size (zero indexed) */ 
	if($post->ID == 415 ){/* wppizza menu item with id 415 */
		foreach($prices as $menu_size_key => $price){
			if($menu_size_key == 0){/* first size only */
				$prices[$menu_size_key]['price'] = __('from').' '.$prices[$menu_size_key]['price'];

return $prices;