
A small shoppingcart, barely styled. If used you will probably want to use your own custom style/css somewhere. Will not be displayed on Orderpage.
type=’totals’ required string  
itemcount=’left’ optional omit|left|right Set location to display item count left or right. Omit to not display count at all.
value=’items’ optional items Set to ‘items’ to show sum of items. Omit (or anything else) to show total after discounts etc
checkout=’1′ optional 0|1 Set to 1 to display checkout button (provided checkout page exists). Omit attribute (or set to 0) to not add the checkout button.
viewcart=’1′ optional 0|1 Set to 1 to display view cart button
cart_view=’summary’ optional itemised|summary NOTE: ‘viewcart’ must be set to 1 for this to have any effect. Set to ‘itemised’ to only show items in cart when clicking cart icon. Set to ‘summary’ to only show summary when clicking cart icon. Set to itemised,summary (or simply omit) to show full cart
count_only=’1′ optional 0|1 1 to only display the count of items without value
[wppizza type='totals']
– a small widget with basic cart info. no item count, sum displayed is total including discounts etc, no checkout button shown, no view cart icon shown
[wppizza type='totals' itemcount='left' value='items' checkout='1' viewcart='1' cart_view='summary']
– a small widget with basic cart info. item count to left of sum (if>0), sum displayed equals sum of items before discounts etc, checkout button shown (if checkout is available/possible), view cart icon shown, only cart summary shown when clicking on cart icon
[wppizza type='totals' itemcount='right' checkout='0' viewcart='1' cart_view='itemised']
– a small widget with basic cart info. item count to right of sum (if>0), sum displayed equals total including discounts etc, no checkout button shown, view cart icon shown, full cart shown when clicking on cart icon
If you use it and want to add some additional output before/after the widget (Like “cart” or something) you might want to wrap it into

	echo" some text before";
	do_shortcode('[wppizza type="totals"]');
	echo" something after";

as no output will be produced on the orderpage as this would only confuse the issue and all relevant details are of course already there.