Set Pickup/Delivery using link

Adding a _GET parameter to any link to set user option to be pickup or delivery (Requires WPPizza v3.19.3+) This will only work if – your delivery options are not set to “No delivery offered / pickup only” – have “Allow order pickup by customer” 

Update prices in bulk

Update WPPizza menu item prices in bulk , adding 10% to all prices (change values as required) example function myprefix_update_wppizza_prices: /* IMPORTANT: RUN THIS ONE TIME ONLY AND DELETE/DISABLE THIS SCRIPT AGAIN WHEN YOU ARE DONE OR YOU WILL CONTINUALLY BE ADDING 10% ON TOP 

WPPizza Mailinglists

Customisations of selected WPPizza Mailinglists Freshmail @param: array @return: array /* Adding preconfigured custom fields */ add_filter(‘wppizza_mll_freshmail_custom_fields’, ‘myprefix_freshmail_customfields’); function myprefix_freshmail_customfields($custom_fields){ /* a) Assign the appropriate field in “WPPizza -> Order Settings -> Mailinglists : Customers Name Formfield” b) Create a custom field for your selected 

Coupons and Discounts

Filters available for WPPizza Coupons and Discounts wppizza_cad_filter_discounts Allow to filter (unset) applied discounts – identified by their ID – depending on custom conditions related to cart contents. As with all customisations, use at your own risk. You should test this thoroughly /* @since 2.1.4 


Customisations WPPizza Preorder Highlighting preorders for days after today in *emails* sent (for print templates, simply use css declarations) Your email template(s) selected MUST be set to “Html” for this to make any difference set conditionals as required @param: array @param: array @param: str @param: 

Layout (Menu Items, General)

If you wish to alter the display of the WPPizza menu items – alongside many other layout elements – from the installed default, use any of the options below Goto “WPPizza ->Layout” Goto “Style” on that page and choose from one of the style options 

Checkout Formfields

Modify the customer form fields available on the checkout page A few examples as to how you can show/hide/add/modify input formfields available on the checkout page Simple show/hide formfields using css selectors If you wish to simply show hide some formfields when an order is 

Email Subject Line

Change the default subject line used in emails wppizza_filter_email_subject /*** email subject lines are made up of 3 parts filter each part as required based on your preferences ****/ add_filter(‘wppizza_filter_email_subject’, ‘myprefix_filter_email_subject’, 10, 2); function myprefix_filter_email_subject($subject, $order_formatted){ /* defaults //dynamic depending on settings in wppizza order 

Extensions / Gateways

Please refer to the relevant sub-section in the navigation on the left. Note: Documentation for extensions and gateways will always be work in progress and will expand over time.

Add Ingredients

Filters available in WPPizza Add Ingredients wppizza_ingredients_filter_email_styles The below filter will *only* apply to emails (as emails need style declarations to be added inline). For Print templates, use the css input in WPPizza->Templates->Print in conjunction with your browsers element inspector @param: array @return: array add_filter(‘wppizza_ingredients_filter_email_styles’,