Set Pickup/Delivery using link

Adding a _GET parameter to any link to set user option to be pickup or delivery (Requires WPPizza v3.19.3+) This will only work if – your delivery options are not set to “No delivery offered / pickup only” – have “Allow order pickup by customer” 

Update prices in bulk

Update WPPizza menu item prices in bulk , adding 10% to all prices (change values as required) example function myprefix_update_wppizza_prices: /* IMPORTANT: RUN THIS ONE TIME ONLY AND DELETE/DISABLE THIS SCRIPT AGAIN WHEN YOU ARE DONE OR YOU WILL CONTINUALLY BE ADDING 10% ON TOP 

Checkout Formfields

Modify the customer form fields available on the checkout page A few examples as to how you can show/hide/add/modify input formfields available on the checkout page Simple show/hide formfields using css selectors If you wish to simply show hide some formfields when an order is 

Email Subject Line

Change the default subject line used in emails wppizza_filter_email_subject /*** email subject lines are made up of 3 parts filter each part as required based on your preferences ****/ add_filter(‘wppizza_filter_email_subject’, ‘myprefix_filter_email_subject’, 10, 2); function myprefix_filter_email_subject($subject, $order_formatted){ /* defaults //dynamic depending on settings in wppizza order 

Extensions / Gateways

Please refer to the relevant sub-section in the navigation on the left. Note: Documentation for extensions and gateways will always be work in progress and will expand over time.

Pickup Opening Times

Change opening times when pickup is selected example to have different openingtimes if a user chooses pickup (pickup must of course be enabled to start off with) A) set the opening times when the customer has selected pickup (requires WPPizza v3.18.10+) Note: The example using 

Getting Orders

Querying for WPPizza Orders (WPPizza v3.5+ only) wppizza_get_orders($args) if you want to develop you own script/plugin etc based on any wppizza orders, please refer to the documentation below Note: Result sets will always be sorted by order date in descending order     @ since 

Unconfirmed Orders

Mark orders as unconfirmed initially until some script/user interaction accepts the order. Requires wppizza 3.3 (but might also work with slightly earlier versions) Note: the basics of this are tested, but further modifications will be required. Read the notes for each filter/action below. This might 

Add file attachment to email

Adding an arbitrary file attachment to an email – REQUIRES WPPizza v3.2.10 wppizza_filter_mail_attachments alter the filepath and file contents as well as the recipient key according to your requirements. @param: array (current attachments) @param: str (recipient) @param: array (email settings) @param: array (formatted order details) 

Create your own sales report

Modify the sales report generated when clicking the export link in WPPizza -> Reports The sales report can be manipulated using a variety of filters/actions according to the examples below. Depending on your requirements, you might need to use one, more or all of them.