T&C’s – How do licences work (Support, Updates, Renewals, Refunds)

LICENCES All extensions and gateways – unless specified otherwise – are available as single, 2-5 or unlimited domain licences. A single domain licence can only be used on one single domain. If you would like to use the extension(s) on more than one domain, please 

WPPizza + Woocommerce

Please note: WPPizza has absolutely nothing to do with woocommerce (or any other wordpress eCommerce plugin for that matter). Although you should be able to use WPPizza and woocommerce (or any other wordpress plugin) happily alongside each other, they do not talk to each other. 

Privacy (GDPR)

As of WPPizza version 3.6+ privacy controls can be found under WPPizza -> Tools -> Privacy (GDPR) ([tab] at the top) . Please refer to the help screen there regarding details. (Privacy controls for WPPizza versions between v3.5 and v3.5.0.2 can be found at WPPizza->Settings->Privacy, 


Plugins are provided “as is” and generally I do not / can not offer any kind of one-off/individual customisation of your site and/or plugins (wppizza or not). Wppizza would never have had all the functionality it already has if I were to allow myself to 

Sorting categories

go to: wppizza->categories in the administration and drag and drop. If you wish to have subcategories, edit the required category and select the appropriate parent. If you cannot see all categories on one page, use the “Screen Options” tab at the top of the page 

Adding a menu item

go to: wppizza->add new add title, description, any preservatives the item might have (editable from wppizza->settings->additives), select pricetier (editable from wppizza->settings->meal sizes) and add prices as required. make sure to also select at least one category. if you wish to add an image, either set 

Sorting menu items

just use the order attribute (which btw is also available in quick edit). if you cannot see it in individual posts/menu items, you might have to click on “screen options” and check “attributes” first there are also a variety of drag and drop (custom) post 

Setting images for menu items

To add images use the “Featured image” for a menu item if you do not have this options it’s either hidden (go to screen options at the top of the page to enable/show it) or your theme does not have thumbnails enabled (tell the author 

Force registration before ordering

Please read below the reasons why I A) will not natively support this option (i.e via a checkbox or something) and B) how to get around this if you must A) First of all , this is of course just a personal opinion and you 

Changing the name, icon in the backend

to change the name please follow the instructions here to change the icon please follow the instructions here