WPPizza options
Filtering wppizza options (for you own plugin development for example)
if you want change any WPPizza option values depending on some arbitrary setting and or write a plugin that dynamically changes values or any other things that you can think of that needs a WPPizza option to be dynamically change in the frontend the following filter will probably be your main starting point
@param: array ($wppizza_options)
@return: array (return all/filtered options set for the WPPizza plugin)
add_filter('wppizza_filter_options', 'my_prefix_my_options'); function my_prefix_my_options($wppizza_options){ /* do something that requires changing an option perhaps utilising some of the global functions that can be found here //docs.wp-pizza.com/developers/?section=global-wppizza-functions use print_r($wppizza_options) to get/see all wppizza options array the keys/values should be quite self-explanatory I would think so, as an example (though somewhat useless and just to demonstrate), closing the shop on pickup */ if(wppizza_is_pickup()){ $wppizza_options['openingtimes']['close_shop_now'] = true; } /* IMPORTANT: you MUST NOT EVER forget to return $wppizza_options here */ return $wppizza_options; }