On (admin) order status update

Sending an email whenever you change the status of an order in WPPizza -> Orderhistory

send an email (or whatever else it is you would like to do) when you change the status of an order in the order history


@param: array (order details)
@param: str (the status the order has been changed to – something like ‘REFUNDED’, ‘NEW’, ‘ACKNOWLEDGED’ etc)
@param: array (wppizza options set of the blog/site where the order was made. In a multisite setup – if you are displaying all orders from all sites in the “master” site – this might be different to the current site you are on. For the current sites blogoptions use global $wppizza_options; and use those)
@param: str (plaintext template of a selected template id if using filter below)
@param: str (html template of a selected template id if using filter below and template set to be html – @since wppizza 3.5.1)
@return: str (js alert after change was completed – empty to omit alert)


add_filter('wppizza_on_orderstatus_change', 'myprefix_on_orderstatus_change', 10, 5);
function myprefix_on_orderstatus_change($order_details, $order_status, $blog_options, $plaintext_template, $html_template){
	 if in a multiste environment use global $wppizza_options; 
	 to get wppizza options of the site you are in. else $blog_options will do if you need them 
	 get the customers address
	 from order_details array
	 var_dump($order_details) to get all details
	$to_address = $order_details['customer']['cemail']['value'];

	/**if only dealing with latin character domains/emails do a quick validation,  else comment out**/
	if(!filter_var($to_address , FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){
		$js_alert = __('invalid email');/*alert if invalid email  | EDIT AS REQUIRED  */
		$js_alert .= PHP_EOL . $to_address;
	return $js_alert;

		subject line
	$subject = 'The Subject';/* subject line  | EDIT AS REQUIRED */
		email body / message
	$message = __('hello');/*message | EDIT AS REQUIRED*/
	/* add plaintext email template of order underneath if exists - see filter below how to get this | EDIT AS REQUIRED */
	$message.= !empty($plaintext_template) ? PHP_EOL . $plaintext_template .PHP_EOL  : '' ;

	$headers   = array();
	$headers[] = "MIME-Version: 1.0";
	$headers[] = "Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8";
	$headers[] = "From: Sender Name <[email protected]>";/**who it's from | EDIT AS REQUIRED**/
	$headers[] = "X-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion();

		send the email, wrap message at 74 chars for maximum email client compatibility
	$mailSent = mail($to_address, $subject, wordwrap($message, 74, "\r\n"), implode("\r\n", $headers));

		set js alert after sending
		$js_alert = __('Email sent to '.$to_address.''.PHP_EOL.'Status: '.$order_status.'');/*alert on successful sending | EDIT AS REQUIRED*/
		$js_alert = __('Error sending email to '.$to_address.''); /*alert on error sending | EDIT AS REQUIRED*/

return $js_alert;


if you would like the markup of an email template as set in WPPizza->Templates->Emails available in your above filter as the 4th parameter, use the below filter example to select from one of the the id’s . If the template is set to be HTML the 5th parameter will contain the html markup.

@param: int (emails template id’s . default = false)
@return: int|false (selected email template id or false)


add_filter('wppizza_on_orderstatus_change_add_template', 'myprefix_on_orderstatus_change_add_template');
function myprefix_on_orderstatus_change_add_template($selected_email_template_id){
	/* get plaintext email from template with id 1 for this order */
	$selected_email_template_id = 1;	
return $selected_email_template_id;

Add some javascript to order history to execute if order status changes


@param: array (array of markup parts)
@return: array

add_filter('wppizza_filter_orderhistory_markup', 'my_custom_orderhistory_markup');
function my_custom_orderhistory_markup($markup){
	add javascript to the end of the markup
	$markup['my_js_markup']= "<script type='text/javascript'>
        /* <![CDATA[ */
        $(document).on('change', '.wppizza-orderhistory-order-status', function(e){
            var self=$(this);           
            var selId=self.attr('id').split('-').pop(-1);
            var selfVal=self.val();
			/* do things when you change the status to PROCESSED, in this case trigger the print button **/
                    var triggerTarget=$('#wppizza-orderhistory-print-order-'+selId+'');
        /* ]]> */

return $markup;

Add some javascript to order history to execute if order status changes to “PROCESSED” and execute an ajax call passing on some js prompt


add_filter('wppizza_filter_orderhistory_markup', 'my_custom_orderhistory_markup');
function my_custom_orderhistory_markup($markup){
	add javascript to the end of the markup
	$markup['my_js_markup']= "<script type='text/javascript'>
        /* <![CDATA[ */
        $(document).on('change', '.wppizza-orderhistory-order-status', function(e){
            var self=$(this);           
            var selId=self.attr('id').split('-').pop(-1);
            var selfVal=self.val();
            var order=selId.split('_');
            var blog_id=order[0];
            var order_id=order[1];
	/* do things when you change the status to PROCESSED - in this case adding a prompt and passing this on to an ajax call **/

         	var message = prompt('your message', 'default message');

				jQuery.post(ajaxurl , {action :'myprefix_admin_ajax',vars:{'type':'statusupdate', 'blog_id':blog_id, 'order_id':order_id, 'message':message}}, function(response) {
				},'text').error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {alert('error : ' + errorThrown);});
        /* ]]> */

return $markup;

	admin ajax
add_action('wp_ajax_myprefix_admin_ajax', 'myprefix_set_admin_ajax' );
function myprefix_set_admin_ajax(){
	// listen to type statusupdate being posted 	
	if($_POST['vars']['type'] == 'statusupdate'){
		/* blogid (if required) */
		$blog_id = (int)$_POST['vars']['blog_id'];// sanitise blog_id , just for good measure
		/* order */
		$order_id = (int)$_POST['vars']['order_id'];// sanitise order id , just for good measure
		$order = wppizza_get_completed_order($order_id);// get order details
		/* prompt message set  - you probably want to validate/sanitize this somewhat*/
		$message = $_POST['vars']['message'];
		send email for example (as outlined above) or whetever you need to do 
		utisiling the variables you have available if needs be (like $order, $message) such as		

		 to get the customers address from order array ( var_dump($order) to get all order details)
		$to_address = $order['customer']['cemail']['value'];		