Author: super_admin_v3x

wppizza / markup / global / search.php

A search widget using shortcode [wppizza type=’search’] or the widget available from Appearance -> Widgets -> Wppizza -> Widget Type=’Search’ For shortcode attributes please refer to the shortcode section CSS Targeting Wrapper div element id: wppizza-search-[unique_id] (unique to each instance of a widget) Wrapper div 

wppizza / markup / global / pickup_choice.php

Displays the option to choose between pickup and delivery in cart and/or order page. Pickup option must be enabled in Wppizza -> Order Settings -> Pickup : Allow order pickup by customer Can also be displayed elsewhere using shortcode [wppizza type=’pickup_choices’]. For attributes please refer 

wppizza / markup / global / totals.php

A barely styled widget using shortcode [wppizza type='totals']

For shortcode attributes please refer to the shortcode section

CSS Targeting

  • Wrapper div element id: wppizza-totals-[unique_id] (unique to each instance of a widget)
  • Wrapper div element class: wppizza-totals (used by all instances of widget)

if you simply want to edit some styles/layout (text-sizes, color, margins, paddings etc etc ) it is strongly recommended to use css instead of filters/actions. Please refer to Modify Styles/Layout

Filters available

apply filters by adding them to your child-theme’s functions.php (notes regarding functions.php).
many display options are also available by simply using the relevant shortcode attributes instead of filters

  • filter name: wppizza_filter_totals_widget_markup
    purpose: modify the html markup of the html as required

    @param: $markup array (array of markup elements)
    @param: $atts array (attributes)
    @param: $id int (unique id for each instance)
    @return: array


    add_filter('wppizza_filter_totals_widget_markup', 'prefix_filter_totals_widget_markup', 10, 3);
    function prefix_filter_totals_widget_markup($markup, $atts, $id){
    		use print_r($markup) to view array keys with their respective markup
    		use print_r($atts) to view attributes
    		use print_r($id) to view id of instance
    		use global $wppizza_options; to access all options/settings/localization strings etc set in the plugin 
    	/* example: adding a paragraph AFTER opening div element using standard php concatenation */
    	$markup['div_'] .= '<p>more text after opening div</p>'; 
    	/* example: adding a paragraph BEFORE opening div element  using standard php concatenation */
    	$markup['div_'] = '<p>more text before opening div</p>' . $markup['div_']; 
    	/* example: adding a paragraph AFTER opening div element using wppizza array_splice helper function */
    	$splice_after['myprefix_paragraph'] = '<p>more text after opening div</p>'; 
    	$markup = wppizza_array_splice($markup, $splice_after, 'div_' );
    	/* example: adding a paragraph BEFORE opening div element  using wppizza array_splice helper function */
    	$splice_before['myprefix_paragraph'] = '<p>more text before opening div</p>'; 	
    	$markup = wppizza_array_splice($markup, $splice_before, 'div_' , true);
    	/* example: removing checkoutbutton (if displayed) for the first instance of the widget on the page */
    	if($id == 1){
    	/* example: using actions of another plugin that by default outputs html to add it after the wrapper div */
    	ob_start(); # start buffering
    	do_action('other_plugin_output'); # run action of other plugin that outputs things
    	$buffer= ob_get_contents(); # capture buffer in variable
    	ob_end_clean(); # clean buffer			
    	$markup['_div'] = $markup['_div'] . $buffer; # add buffered output after end of wrapper
    return $markup;

Actions available

  • none

Editing files directly

ensure you have also read the Modify/Edit Templates

basepath: [plugin-path]/wppizza/templates/markup

filepath: [plugin-path]/wppizza/templates/markup/global/totals.php

Modules used in file

  • None

Module used by file(s)

  • None

wppizza / markup / global / login.php

Login form on order page and users purchase history page. Only displayed if registration WP -> Settings -> General -> Anyone can register has been enabled and user is not logged in yet. CSS Targeting Wrapper div element class: .wppizza-login if you simply want to 

wppizza / markup / global / pages.pickup_note.php

Displays pickup or delivery text depending on selection. Displayed in cart, order page, confirmation page, thank you page. Pickup option must be enabled in Wppizza -> Order Settings -> Pickup : Allow order pickup by customer CSS Targeting Wrapper div element class: wppizza-pickup-note if you 

wppizza / markup / global / profile.register.php

The "continue as guest / register" radio inputs on order page below customer data input fields.

Displayed if user is not logged in and WP -> Settings -> General -> Anyone can register is enabled

CSS Targeting

  • Wrapper div element id: wppizza-create-account
  • Wrapper div element class: wppizza-create-account

if you simply want to edit some styles/layout (text-sizes, color, margins, paddings etc etc ) it is strongly recommended to use css instead of filters/actions. Please refer to Modify Styles/Layout

Filters available

apply filters by adding them to your child-theme’s functions.php (notes regarding functions.php).

  • filter name: wppizza_filter_profile_register_markup
    purpose: modify the html markup of the html as required

    @param: $markup array (array of markup elements)
    @return: array

  • examples:

    add_filter('wppizza_filter_profile_register_markup', 'prefix_filter_profile_register_markup');
    function prefix_filter_profile_register_markup($markup){
    		use print_r($markup) to view array keys with their respective markup
    		use global $wppizza_options; to access all options/settings/localization strings etc set in the plugin 
    	/* example: adding a paragraph AFTER opening div element using standard php concatenation */
    	$markup['div_options_'] .= '<p>more text after opening div</p>'; 
    	/* example: adding a paragraph BEFORE opening div element  using standard php concatenation */
    	$markup['div_options_'] = '<p>more text before opening div</p>' . $markup['div_']; 
    	/* example: adding a paragraph AFTER opening div element using wppizza array_splice helper function */
    	$splice_after['myprefix_paragraph'] = '<p>more text after opening div</p>'; 
    	$markup = wppizza_array_splice($markup, $splice_after, 'div_options_' );
    	/* example: adding a paragraph BEFORE opening div element  using wppizza array_splice helper function */
    	$splice_before['myprefix_paragraph'] = '<p>more text before opening div</p>'; 	
    	$markup = wppizza_array_splice($markup, $splice_before, 'div_options_' , true);
    	/* example: removing label*/
    	/* example: using actions of another plugin that by default outputs html to add it after the wrapper div */
    	ob_start(); # start buffering
    	do_action('other_plugin_output'); # run action of other plugin that outputs things
    	$buffer= ob_get_contents(); # capture buffer in variable
    	ob_end_clean(); # clean buffer			
    	$markup['_div_options'] = $markup['_div_options'] . $buffer; # add buffered output after end of div
    return $markup;

Actions available

Actions should NOT output / echo / print anything, if you need to output any elements, use the filter provided (see above)

  • action: wppizza_profile_register
    purpose: run an action when registration options are shown

    @param: void
    @return: void

  • example:

    add_action('wppizza_profile_register', 'prefix_profile_register_myaction');
    function prefix_profile_register_myaction(){
    	#	run your code/action 
    	/* do not output/echo anything - use the filter above instead if you need to*/

Editing files directly

ensure you have also read the Modify/Edit Templates

basepath: [plugin-path]/wppizza/templates/markup

filepath: [plugin-path]/wppizza/templates/markup/global/profile.register.php

Modules used in file

  • None

Module used by file(s)

  • [basepath]/pages/page.order.php

wppizza / markup / global / profile.update.php

The “update my profile data” checkbox on order page below customer data input fields. Displayed if user is logged in. Note: this will also be displayed if you are logged in as administrator even if WP -> Settings -> General -> Anyone can register is 

wppizza / markup / pages

“Order”, “Confirmation” (if used), “Payment processing” (for some gateways), “Order cancelled”, “Thank you” and “Purchase history” pages Above pages are generally made up of global modules and order modules as appropriate, alongside html elements that are specific to each page. They are typically also wrapped 

wppizza / markup / global / formfields.inputs.php

Customer Information input form fields as set in WPPizza -> Order Form Settings

Also used for confirmation page formfields (if used)

CSS Targeting

  • Wrapper fieldset element id: #wppizza-personal-details (order page)
  • Wrapper fieldset element class: .wppizza-legal (on confirmation page – if used)

if you simply want to edit some styles/layout (text-sizes, color, margins, paddings etc etc ) it is strongly recommended to use css instead of filters/actions. Please refer to Modify Styles/Layout

Filters available

apply filters by adding them to your child-theme’s functions.php (notes regarding functions.php).

do NOT use this filter to add additional formfields you want to capture with the order or display in emails , print templates , order history etc. Use wppizza_register_formfields instead

  • filter name: wppizza_filter_formfields_inputs
    purpose: modify the html markup of the html as required

    @param: $markup array (array of markup elements)
    @param: $formfields array (array of formfield parameters)
    @return: array


    add_filter('wppizza_filter_formfields_inputs', 'prefix_filter_formfields_inputs', 10, 2);
    function prefix_filter_formfields_inputs($markup, $formfields){
    		use print_r($markup) to view array keys with their respective markup
    		use print_r($formfields) to view formfields parameters and keys ('cemail', 'cname', 'ctel', 'ccomments' etc )
    		use global $wppizza_options; to access all options/settings/localization strings etc set in the plugin 
    	/* example: adding a paragraph AFTER all formfields */
    	$markup['my_paragraph'] = '<p>more text after formfields </p>'; 
    	/* example: adding a paragraph BEFORE all formfields */
    	$new_markup = array();	
    	$new_markup['my_paragraph'] = '<p>more text before formfields </p>'; 	
    	$new_markup +=$markup;
    	return $new_markup; # return the new markup array now
    	/* example: adding a paragraph AFTER all formfields using wppizza array_splice helper function and numeric index */
    	$splice_after['myprefix_paragraph'] = '<p>more text after all formfields</p>'; 
    	$markup = wppizza_array_splice($markup, $splice_after, 100 );
    	# each formfield consists of an array made up of 3 keys (opening div, label/input(s), closing div). so if there are 5 formfields the array would consist of 15 keys, setting the offset to 100 therefore would ensure it is added to the very end, although setting it to 15 in this case would also suffice #
    	/* example: adding a paragraph BEFORE all formfields  using wppizza array_splice helper function and numeric index*/
    	$splice_before['myprefix_paragraph'] = '<p>more text before all formfields</p>'; 	
    	$markup = wppizza_array_splice($markup, $splice_before, 0);#set to 0 to add before all formfields
    	/* example: adding a paragraph BEFORE the email formfield div using wppizza array_splice helper functionx*/
    	$splice_in_place_before['myprefix_paragraph'] = '<p>more text before email formfield wrapper div</p>'; 	
    	$markup = wppizza_array_splice($markup, $splice_in_place_before, 'div_cemail_', true); # insert before opening cemail div element: div_cemail_
    	/* example: adding a paragraph AFTER the email formfield div using wppizza array_splice helper functionx*/
    	$splice_in_place_after['myprefix_paragraph'] = '<p>more text after email formfield wrapper div</p>'; 	
    	$markup = wppizza_array_splice($markup, $splice_in_place_after, '_div_cemail');# insert after closing cemail div element: _div_cemail
    	/* example: replacing each formfields surrounding 'div' with 'span' . $key will be something like 'cemail', 'cname', 'ctel', 'ccomments' etc*/
    	foreach($formfields as $key=>$formfield){
    		$markup['div_'.$key.'_'] = str_replace('<div', '<span', $markup['div_'.$key.'_']);
    		$markup['_div_'.$key.''] = str_replace('</div>', '</span>', $markup['_div_'.$key.'']);
    	/* example: using actions of another plugin that by default outputs html to add it after all formfields*/
    	ob_start(); # start buffering
    	do_action('other_plugin_output'); # run action of other plugin that outputs things
    	$buffer= ob_get_contents(); # capture buffer in variable
    	ob_end_clean(); # clean buffer			
    	$markup['my_buffer'] = $buffer; # simply add buffered output to the array
    return $markup;

Actions available

Actions should NOT output / echo / print anything, if you need to output any elements, use the filter provided (see above)

  • action: wppizza_formfields_inputs
    purpose: run an action when customer input fields are show

    @param: $formfields array (array of form fields)
    @return: void

  • action: wppizza_formfield_input_'.$key.'
    purpose: run an action when a particular customer input field is show ($key will be something like ‘cemail’, ‘cname’, ‘ctel’, ‘ccomments’ etc )

    @param: $formfield array (array of formfield paramaters of this key)
    @return: void

  • example: if necessary, replace wppizza_formfields_inputs with one of the action hooks above

    add_action('wppizza_formfields_inputs', 'prefix_formfields_inputs_myaction');
    function prefix_formfields_inputs_myaction($formfields){
    	#	run your code/action 
    	/* do not output/echo anything - use the filter above instead if you need to*/

Editing files directly

ensure you have also read the Modify/Edit Templates

basepath: [plugin-path]/wppizza/templates/markup

filepath: [plugin-path]/wppizza/templates/markup/global/formfields.inputs.php

Modules used in file

  • None

Module used by file(s)

  • [basepath]/pages/page.order.php
  • [basepath]/pages/page.confirm-order.php

wppizza / markup / global / formfields.values.php

Submitted customer information values received from form fields set in WPPizza -> Order Form Settings Display submitted formfield values in “confirmation page” – if used and – “thank you page” – if “Show Order Details on “Thank You” page” is enabled in WPPizza -> Order