Google Cloudprint

Filters available using WPPizza Google Cloudprint wppizza_gcp_filter_copies Sending the second copy of an order to a different printer (id) set in the same google cloudprint account. The Number of copies in the plugin settings WPPizza->Cloudprintmust be set to 2 or more for this to have 

Pdf Invoices

CSS Declaration Examples and Filters available using WPPizza – Pdf Invoices Using your own font (this must be a truetype font – see also “Know Issues” below) To use your own font, follow the guide below: Go to “WPPizza -> Settings-> PDF Invoices” Make sure 

Gateway – Stripe

Filters/Codesnippets WPPizza -> Gateways -> Stripe Codesnippet(s) to modify “Stripe” gateway options – namely test/live api keys in this example – depending on the user selection of a custom added dropdown formfield, in this case allowing for different stripe accounts to be targeted depending on