wppizza / markup / order / transaction_details.php

Order transaction details in thank you page and users purchase history page CSS Targeting Wrapper table element class: .wppizza-transaction-details if you simply want to edit some styles/layout (text-sizes, color, margins, paddings etc etc ) it is strongly recommended to use css instead of filters/actions. Please 

Frontend Css / Styles / Layout

Although the css has been written so that it works with many themes out of the box (see http://demo.wp-pizza.com – all themes use the same default stylesheet) it is also deliberately kept quite bland. So the chances are, you will probably want to adjust some 

Modify Css / Styles / Layout

please refer to the relevant sub-sections depending on whether you want to edit frontend or admin styles / css


If you are familiar with Wppizza you might want to perhaps skip certain data for new installations. To do so, you can overwrite the following constants by adding them to your wp-config.php If you are new to WPPizza, I would suggest to not use any 

Admin Css / Styles / Layout

As with the frontend, CREATE the following directory structure in your child theme: /[absolute]/[path]/[to]/wp-content/themes/[my-child-theme]/wppizza/css/ Recommended Way: if you want to customise some admin css declarations, CREATE styles-admin-custom.css in /[absolute]/[path]/[to]/wp-content/themes/[my-child-theme]/wppizza/css/ and add your declarations as required. This file file be read AFTER the main admin css. 


Overview of constants that can be defined in your wp-config.php overriding defaults – constants should always be defined before /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ Admin – Name / Icon Constant Value [default]     WPPIZZA_NAME string[WPPizza] set admin plugin name WPPIZZA_MENU_ICON url[http://url/path/to/pizza_16.png] 


to change the name (i.e WPPizza) in the WP admin/backend just add define(‘WPPIZZA_NAME’, ‘The Name You Want’); to your wp-config.php anywhere before /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ i.e. – add to /edit your wp-config.php to be something like define('WPPIZZA_NAME', 'My Shop'); /* 


to change the WPPizza icon in the WP admin/backend just add define(‘WPPIZZA_MENU_ICON’, ‘http://url/path/to/your/icon.png’); to your wp-config.php anywhere before /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ i.e. – add to /edit your wp-config.php to be something like define('WPPIZZA_MENU_ICON', 'http://www.mydomain.com/wp-content/theme/mytheme/wordpress-logo.png'); /* That's all, stop editing! Happy 


By default, items added to the cart are sorted according to the settings in Wppizza-> Layout : Items Sorting and Category Display If you wish items to be sorted and displayed in the order they were added to the cart by the customer, make sure 


In a typical install, the below is not used or necessary as single items are not being displayed separately. However, if you are using/linking to single menu item via some permalink or perhaps search results for example, the default url parameter used will be menu_item.