WPPizza Autoprint

Customisations WPPizza Autoprint Adjusting print output of selected autoprint template Your print template selected MUST be set to “Html” to be able to access the css setting Go to “Wppizza -> Templates -> Print” Locate the template you have selected to use as your autoprint 

Confirm | Reject | Notify

Filters available using WPPizza – Confirm | Reject | Notify wppizza_crn_sms_branding Allow “Branding”: Send some arbitrary text instead of sending a phonenumber as “Sender ID”. Be aware that this will not work if you are using 2-way or 3-way SMS settings (as the recipient would 


Widgets/Shortcode Cross Sells – Shortcodes / Widget settings     title=’some title’ optional string Label above Cross Sells (Omit for default as set in Wppizza->Localization->Cross Sells) max=’5′ optional integer Maximum number of x-sells results to retrieve (Omit for default as set in WPPizza->Order Settings->Cross Sells) 

Delivery By Post/Zipcode

Shortcodes If you wish to display the delivery by post/zip-code selection in a different location [wppizza_dbp] Available attributes: redirect – page/post id to redirect to when submitting selection from shortcode widget (since v5.3). Omit attribute to not redirect. Example: [wppizza_dbp redirect=”6″] If using google maps 

Goodcom Printer

Filter examples to alter the goodcom printer output wppizza_goodcom_printer_filter_xml_site Using the 3 filters below as described will result in a print layout similar to this screenshot. The final layout will depend on actual order and customer values submitted. @param: array(parameters) @return: array(filtered parameters) /* example 

Google Cloudprint

Filters available using WPPizza Google Cloudprint wppizza_gcp_filter_copies Sending the second copy of an order to a different printer (id) set in the same google cloudprint account. The Number of copies in the plugin settings WPPizza->Cloudprintmust be set to 2 or more for this to have 

Pdf Invoices

CSS Declaration Examples and Filters available using WPPizza – Pdf Invoices Using your own font (this must be a truetype font – see also “Know Issues” below) To use your own font, follow the guide below: Go to “WPPizza -> Settings-> PDF Invoices” Make sure 

Gateway – Stripe

Filters/Codesnippets WPPizza -> Gateways -> Stripe Codesnippet(s) to modify “Stripe” gateway options – namely test/live api keys in this example – depending on the user selection of a custom added dropdown formfield, in this case allowing for different stripe accounts to be targeted depending on 

Pickup Opening Times

Change opening times when pickup is selected example to have different openingtimes if a user chooses pickup (pickup must of course be enabled to start off with) A) set the opening times when the customer has selected pickup (requires WPPizza v3.18.10+) Note: The example using 

Getting Orders

Querying for WPPizza Orders (WPPizza v3.5+ only) wppizza_get_orders($args) if you want to develop you own script/plugin etc based on any wppizza orders, please refer to the documentation below Note: Result sets will always be sorted by order date in descending order     @ since