wppizza / markup / pages / page.order.php

The main WPPizza order/checkout page as set in WPPizza -> Order Settings -> Global -> Order Page displaying the current order and customer’s personal information to be submitted to the shop. CSS Targeting Wrapper div element id: wppizza-order-wrap-orderpage (unique to this page) Wrapper div element 

wppizza / markup / pages / page.confirm-order.php

The WPPizza confirmation page, if enabled in WPPizza -> Order Form Settings -> Confirmation Page, displaying a non-editable version of the current order and customer’s personal information to be submitted to the shop. CSS Targeting Wrapper div element id: #wppizza-order-wrap-confirmationpage (unique to this page) Wrapper 

wppizza / markup / pages / page.processing.php

Payment processing page. A page that might be displayed when payment gateway responses are slow. Many payment gateways take payment on their own sites and send a notification in the background to the server when payment has been processed (or indeed is being declined , 

wppizza / markup / pages / page.thankyou.php

“Thank You” page after successful order. Will also display detailed order information if WPPizza -> Order Settings -> Global -> Show Order Details is enabled CSS Targeting Wrapper div element ID: #wppizza-order-thankyoupage-[blogid]-[orderid] (unique to this page and order – provided order exists) Wrapper div element 

wppizza / markup / pages / page.cancelled.php

“Order Cancelled” page when an order has been cancelled CSS Targeting Wrapper div element ID: #wppizza-order-cancelled (unique to this page) Wrapper div element class: .wppizza-order-wrap (used on all pages) if you simply want to edit some styles/layout (text-sizes, color, margins, paddings etc etc ) it 

wppizza / markup / order / itemised.php

Itemised order details in cart(s), pages, users purchase history and order related widgets CSS Targeting Wrapper table element class: .wppizza-order-itemised if you simply want to edit some styles/layout (text-sizes, color, margins, paddings etc etc ) it is strongly recommended to use css instead of filters/actions. 

wppizza / markup / order / summary.php

Order details summary in cart(s), pages, users purchase history and order related widgets CSS Targeting Wrapper table element class: .wppizza-order-summary if you simply want to edit some styles/layout (text-sizes, color, margins, paddings etc etc ) it is strongly recommended to use css instead of filters/actions. 

wppizza / markup / order / transaction_details.php

Order transaction details in thank you page and users purchase history page CSS Targeting Wrapper table element class: .wppizza-transaction-details if you simply want to edit some styles/layout (text-sizes, color, margins, paddings etc etc ) it is strongly recommended to use css instead of filters/actions. Please 

Frontend Css / Styles / Layout

Although the css has been written so that it works with many themes out of the box (see http://demo.wp-pizza.com – all themes use the same default stylesheet) it is also deliberately kept quite bland. So the chances are, you will probably want to adjust some 


If you are familiar with Wppizza you might want to perhaps skip certain data for new installations. To do so, you can overwrite the following constants by adding them to your wp-config.php If you are new to WPPizza, I would suggest to not use any