
Download the plugin, unzip, and upload the entire wppizza folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Alternatively you can download and install WPPizza using the built in WordPress plugin installer (Login into wordpress -> goto “plugins” -> “add new” (at the top of the page) ->”upload plugin” 


although some defaults will be installed and set when first installing the WPPizza plugin, you will have to configure some things to make it play nicely in your theme Note: you might want to start with Option 1 first, as you can always use Option 

Upgrade v2.x -> v3.x

before you do anything – and unless you have absolutely nothing to lose – you are STRONGLY ADVISED TO MAKE A FULL BACKUP OF YOUR SITE AND DATABASE. There is absolutely no way back other than restoring your backup if it goes wrong for some 

Changes v2.x -> v3.x

A – non-comprehensive – list of the main changes between v2.x -> v3.x Dedicated Customer Page in Admin (WPPizza->Customers) Additional formfields validation options (WPPizza->Order Form Settings) Itemised Order Details, Summary and Transaction Details now using table elements for consistency throughout Admin new order notifications (audio 

Migrating v2.x -> v3.x customisations

As WPPizza v3.0+ is almost a complete re-write of v2.x, most action and filter hooks as well as template structures alongside some css have changed. If you have customised your WPPizza version 2.x, please refer to the documentation on this site here as to how 


although all options, menu items and menu categories get deleted from the database along with the table that holds any orders you may have received, you will manually have to delete any additional pages (such as the order page for example) that have been created 

Known Incompatabilities (last checked with v1.7.2) rich reviews are forcing the/your timezone to be MST, regardless of what you have your timezone in WP set to. This will most likely interfere with your wppizza opening times set unless you happen to be in that particular timezone.