
  1. Modify Css / Styles / Layout
    1. Layout (Menu Items, General)
    2. Frontend Css
    3. Admin Css
  2. Templates
    1. Pages
      1. page.order.php
      2. page.confirm-order.php
      3. page.processing.php
      4. page.thankyou.php
      5. page.cancelled.php
      6. page.purchase-history.php
    2. Order
      1. itemised.php
      2. summary.php
      3. transaction_details.php
    3. Global
      1. orderinfo.php (Widget)
      2. openingtimes.php (Widget)
      3. additives.php (Widget)
      4. navigation.list.php (Widget)
      5. navigation.dropdown.php (Widget)
      6. search.php (Widget)
      7. totals.php (Widget)
      8. pickup_choice.php (Mixed)
      9. login.php (Module)
      10. profile.register.php (Module)
      11. profile.update.php (Module)
      12. pages.pickup_note.php (Module)
      13. formfields.inputs.php (Module)
      14. formfields.values.php (Module)
    4. Cart
      1. cart.container.php
      2. cart.shopclosed.php
      3. cart.empty.php
      4. cart.pickup_note.php
      5. cart.checkout_button.php
      6. cart.empty_cart_button.php
      7. cart.minimum_order.php
      8. minicart.php
    5. Loop (Menu Items)
      1. header.php
      2. no_results.php
      3. posts.title.php
      4. posts.thumbnail.php
      5. posts.prices.php
      6. posts.content.php
      7. posts.permalink.php
      8. additives.php
      9. pagination.php
      10. theme-wrapper.php
    6. Search Results
      1. search.php
    7. Single Menu Item
      1. single.php
    8. functions.php
  3. Filters, Actions, Functions
    1. Global WPPizza functions
    2. WPPizza options (Filter)
    3. Currency (Filter)
    4. After every order (Action)
    5. Getting orders (Function)
  4. Constants
    1. Admin Name
    2. Admin Menu Icon
  5. Codesnippets
    1. Create your own sales report
    2. Order history - todays orders
    3. Email/Print templates
    4. Email Subject Line
    5. Add attachment to email
    6. On order status update
    7. Unconfirmed orders
    8. Customise order id
    9. Changing post type arguments
    10. Gateway filter frontend
    11. Users previous orders
    12. Dynamic menu item prices
    13. Update prices in bulk
    14. Prices output loop
    15. Pickup opening times
    16. Checkout Formfields
    17. Additional validation function
  6. Extensions / Gateways
    1. Add Ingredients
    2. Autoprint
    3. Confirm | Reject | Notify
    4. Coupons and Discounts
    5. Cross-Sells
    6. Delivery By Post/Zipcode
    7. Goodcom Printer
    8. Mailinglists
    9. Pdf Invoices
    10. Preorder
    11. Gateway - Stripe


Text displayed (paragraph element) in main cart widget when cart is empty

If you just want to change the text itself, instead of using filters, set it in Wppizza -> Localization.

CSS Targeting

  • paragraph element class: .wppizza-cart-empty

if you simply want to edit some styles/layout (text-sizes, color, margins, paddings etc etc ) it is strongly recommended to use css instead of filters/actions. Please refer to Modify Styles/Layout

Filters available

apply filters by adding them to your child-theme’s functions.php (notes regarding functions.php).

  • filter name: wppizza_filter_maincart_cartempty_markup
    purpose: modify the html markup of the html as required

    @param: $markup array (array of markup elements)
    @return: array

  • examples:

    add_filter('wppizza_filter_maincart_cartempty_markup', 'prefix_filter_cartempty_markup');
    function prefix_filter_cartempty_markup($markup){
    		use print_r($markup) to view array keys with their respective markup
    		use global $wppizza_options; to access all options/settings/localization strings etc set in the plugin 
    	/* example: adding a paragraph AFTER  paragraph element using standard php concatenation */
    	$markup['_p'] .= '<p>more text after</p>'; 
    	/* example: adding a paragraph BEFORE paragraph element  using standard php concatenation */
    	$markup['p_'] = '<p>more text before</p>' . $markup['p_']; 
    	/* example: adding a paragraph AFTER paragraph element using wppizza array_splice helper function */
    	$splice_after['myprefix_paragraph'] = '<p>more text after</p>'; 
    	$markup = wppizza_array_splice($markup, $splice_after, '_p' );
    	/* example: adding a paragraph BEFORE paragraph element  using wppizza array_splice helper function */
    	$splice_before['myprefix_paragraph'] = '<p>more text before</p>'; 	
    	$markup = wppizza_array_splice($markup, $splice_before, 'p_' , true);
    	/* example: changing html from using p element to span */
    	$markup['p_'] = str_replace('<p', '<span', $markup['p_']);
    	$markup['_p'] = str_replace('</p', '</span', $markup['_p']);
    	/* example: using actions of another plugin that by default outputs html to add it after the container wrapper div */
    	ob_start(); # start buffering
    	do_action('other_plugin_output'); # run action of other plugin that outputs things
    	$buffer= ob_get_contents(); # capture buffer in variable
    	ob_end_clean(); # clean buffer			
    	$markup['_p'] = $markup['_p'] . $buffer; # add buffered output after end of paragraph
    return $markup;

Actions available

  • none

Editing files directly

ensure you have also read the Modify/Edit Templates

basepath: [plugin-path]/wppizza/templates/markup

filepath: [plugin-path]/wppizza/templates/markup/cart/cart.empty.php

Modules used in file

  • none

Module used by file(s)

  • [basepath]/cart/cart.container.php
Suggest Edit

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