wppizza / markup / global / openingtimes.php

Display opening times using shortcode [wppizza type='openingtimes'] or when “Display Openingtimes” is enabled in WPPizza cart widget

For shortcode attributes please refer to the shortcode section

CSS Targeting

  • Wrapper div element id: wppizza-opening-hours-[unique_id] (unique to each instance of a widget)
  • Wrapper div element class: wppizza-opening-hours (used by all instances of widget)

if you simply want to edit some styles/layout (text-sizes, color, margins, paddings etc etc ) it is strongly recommended to use css instead of filters/actions. Please refer to Modify Styles/Layout

Filters available

apply filters by adding them to your child-theme’s functions.php (notes regarding functions.php).
some display options are also available by simply using the relevant shortcode attributes instead of filters

  • filter name: wppizza_filter_openingtimes_widget_markup
    purpose: modify the html markup of the html as required

    @param: $markup array (array of markup elements)
    @param: $atts array (attributes)
    @param: $id int (unique id for each instance)
    @return: array


    add_filter('wppizza_filter_openingtimes_widget_markup', 'prefix_filter_openingtimes_widget_markup', 10, 3);
    function prefix_filter_totals_widget_markup($markup, $atts, $id){
    		use print_r($markup) to view array keys with their respective markup
    		use print_r($atts) to view attributes
    		use print_r($id) to view id of instance
    		use global $wppizza_options; to access all options/settings/localization strings etc set in the plugin 
    	/* example: adding another paragraph AFTER opening div element using standard php concatenation */
    	$markup['div_'] .= '<p>more text after opening div</p>'; 
    	/* example: adding a paragraph BEFORE opening div element  using standard php concatenation */
    	$markup['div_'] = '<p>more text before opening div</p>' . $markup['div_']; 
    	/* example: adding another paragraph  AFTER opening div element using wppizza array_splice helper function */
    	$splice_after['myprefix_paragraph'] = '<p>more text after opening div</p>'; 
    	$markup = wppizza_array_splice($markup, $splice_after, 'div_' );
    	/* example: adding a paragraph BEFORE opening ul element  using wppizza array_splice helper function */
    	$splice_before['myprefix_paragraph'] = '<p>more text before opening div</p>'; 	
    	$markup = wppizza_array_splice($markup, $splice_before, 'div_' , true);
    	/* example: removing all deliveries wrapper divs for the first instance of the widget on the page */
    	if($id == 1){
    	/* example: using actions of another plugin that by default outputs html to add it after the wrapper div */
    	ob_start(); # start buffering
    	do_action('other_plugin_output'); # run action of other plugin that outputs things
    	$buffer= ob_get_contents(); # capture buffer in variable
    	ob_end_clean(); # clean buffer			
    	$markup['_div'] = $markup['_div'] . $buffer; # add buffered output after end of wrapper
    return $markup;
  • filter name: wppizza_filter_openingtimes_day_format
    purpose: modify day format

    @param: $format str (default ‘D’ – should be ‘D’ or ‘l’)
    @return: str


    add_filter('wppizza_filter_openingtimes_day_format', 'prefix_openingtimes_day_format');
    function prefix_openingtimes_day_format($format){
    /* will only accept 'l' (full textual representation) or 'D' (default) as format */
    return 'l';
  • filter name: wppizza_filter_openingtimes_widget_class
    purpose: add your own classname

    @param: $class array(array of classes)
    @param: $atts array (attributes)
    @param: $id int (unique id for each instance)
    @return: array


    add_filter('wppizza_filter_openingtimes_widget_class', 'prefix_filter_openingtimes_widget_class', 10, 3);
    function prefix_filter_openingtimes_widget_class($class, $atts, $id){
    	/* example: add additional classname for the first instance of the widget on the page */
    	if($id == 1){
    		$class['new_class'] = 'my-class';
    return $class;
  • filter name: wppizza_filter_openingtimes_widget_group_markup
    purpose: filter each opening times groups (groups are days that share the same opening times, i.e the output that reads ‘Mon, Tue9:30-2:00’ or ‘Wed – Fri 8:00-5:00’)

    @param: $markup array(array of group parameters)
    @param: $key array (group key)
    @param: $openingtime array(array of group parameters)
    @param: $id int (unique id for each widget instance)
    @return: array


    add_filter('wppizza_filter_openingtimes_widget_class', 'prefix_filter_openingtimes_widget_class', 10, 4);
    function prefix_filter_openingtimes_widget_class($group_markup, $key, $openingtime, $id){
    		use print_r($group_markup) to view array keys with their respective markup
    		use print_r($key) to view group key 
    		use print_r($openingtime) to view parameters of this group 
    		use print_r($id) to view id of instance
    		use global $wppizza_options; to access all options/settings/localization strings etc set in the plugin 
    	/* example: add additional paragraph before first group span */
    	if($key == 0){
    		$group_markup['my_p'] = '<p>more text befor first group div</p>'; 
    return $group_markup;

Actions available

  • none

Editing files directly

ensure you have also read the Modify/Edit Templates

basepath: [plugin-path]/wppizza/templates/markup

filepath: [plugin-path]/wppizza/templates/markup/global/openingtimes.php

Modules used in file

  • None

Module used by file(s)

  • [plugin-path]/wppizza/classes/markup/maincart.php (not an editable template)