Author: super_admin_v3x
Changing post type arguments
Global WPPizza functions
Below you will find a number of globally available WPPizza related functions you could use in your own plugin development or for use in filters / actions
wppizza_is_checkout (alias of wppizza_is_orderpage)
determine if the current page the user is on is the WPPizza checkout page as set in WPPizza -> Order Settings -> Global
@return: bool – true if current page is checkout page, false if not.
if(wppizza_is_checkout()){ /* do something if on checkout page*/ } /* using alias */ if(wppizza_is_orderpage()){ /* do something if on checkout page*/ }
determine if the current page the user is on is the page that contains the shortcode [wppizza type='orderhistory']
to display the users order history
@return: bool – true or false
if(wppizza_is_orderhistory()){ /* do something if on users order history page*/ }
get all wppizza categories as set in WPPizza -> Categories
@return: array
$wppizza_categories= wppizza_get_categories(); print_r($wppizza_categories); /* print array of categories */
get all wppizza menu items as set in WPPizza -> Menu Items
@return: array of objects
$wppizza_menu_items = wppizza_get_menu_items(); print_r($wppizza_menu_items ); /* print array of wppizza menu items*/
get all wppizza additives as set in WPPizza -> Additives
@return: array
$wppizza_all_additives= wppizza_all_additives(); print_r($wppizza_all_additives); /* print array of wppizza additives*/
determine if the current user has self pickup selected provided it generally enabled in WPPizza -> Order Settings -> Pickup
@return: bool – true if pickup, false if not.
if(wppizza_is_pickup()){ /* do something if pickup selected*/ }
determine if the current user has nothing put into the cart yet
@return: bool – true if there’s nothing in the cart, false if not.
if(wppizza_cart_is_empty()){ /* do something if nothing in cart*/ }
determine if the current user has something put into the cart (opposite of wppizza_cart_is_empty)
@return: bool – true if there’s something in the cart, false if not.
if(wppizza_cart_has_items()){ /* do something if something's in the cart*/ }
get the contents of the cart in a multidimensional array (since version 3.2.7)
@return: array
$wppizza_get_cart = wppizza_get_cart(); print_r($wppizza_get_cart); /* print full array of cart contents*/
get a summary of the cart parameters (totals, taxes etc) (since version 3.2.7)
@return: array
$wppizza_cart_summary = wppizza_cart_summary(); print_r($wppizza_cart_summary); /* print array */
determine if the shop is open depending on settings in WPPizza -> Opening Times
@return: bool – true if shop is open, false if not.
if(wppizza_is_shop_open()){ /* do something if shop's open */ }
determine if current time is within the current business day (as opening hours can cross midnight) between opening and closing time depending on settings in WPPizza -> Opening Times
– requires php 5.3+
@return: bool – true if it is, false if it is not.
if(wppizza_is_current_businessday()){ /* do something if current time is within the current business day opening hours */ }
get all wordpress pages for current blog
@return: array of objects
$wppizza_get_wordpress_pages= wppizza_get_wordpress_pages(); print_r($wppizza_get_wordpress_pages); /* print array of pages*/
get network sites/pages (current blog only if not in network setup)
@return: array
$wppizza_get_networkpages = wppizza_get_networkpages(); print_r($wppizza_get_networkpages); /* print array of pages*/
get all wppizza sizes as set in WPPizza -> Meal Sizes
@return: array
$wppizza_sizes_available= wppizza_sizes_available(); print_r($wppizza_sizes_available); /* print array of wppizza meal sizes*/
get url of WPPizza checkout page as set in WPPizza -> Order Settings -> Global
and/or WPPizza amend orderpage as set in WPPizza -> Order Form Settings -> Confirmationpage
(if used)
@param: str|false (default false or string of ‘orderpage’ or ‘amendorderlink’)
@return: mixed array|str
$wppizza_orderpages_urls = wppizza_page_links(); print_r($wppizza_orderpages_urls ); /* returns array of both urls / $wppizza_orderpage_url = wppizza_page_links('orderpage'); echo $wppizza_orderpage_url /*; prints url to order page set / $wppizza_amendorderlink_url = wppizza_page_links('amendorderlink'); echo $wppizza_amendorderlink_url; /* prints url to amend order page set /
format price according to options set in WPPizza -> Layout ->Prices / Currency Symbols
including spacing and currency and decimal formatting
@param: float (should be at least a numeric string . no commas or thousands separators !)
@return: str
$formatted_price = wppizza_format_price(6.5); echo $formatted_price ; /* prints something like $ 6.50 */
format price according to options set in WPPizza -> Layout ->Prices / Currency Symbols
WITH decimal formatting but WITHOUT any spacing or currency symbols
@param: float (should be at least a numeric string . no commas or thousands separators !)
@return: str
$formatted_price = wppizza_output_format_price(3.2); echo $formatted_price ; /* prints something like 3.20 */
If your theme does not provide for breadcrumbs, but you want to use them, you can do something like the following. Edit as required
@param: array
@param: array //optional
@param: array //optional
@param: array //optional
@param: int //optional
@param: int //optional
@return: array
//only the first parameter is really needed for the breadcrumbs here, but for completeness all 6 are listed below add_filter('wppizza_loop_before_menu_items', 'prefix_add_wppizza_breadcrumbs', 10, 6); function prefix_add_wppizza_breadcrumbs($markup, $txt, $additives, $category, $max_num_pages, $post_count){ // default arguments are as follows $args = array(); $args['here_text'] = __( 'You are currently here!' ); $args['home_link'] = home_url('/'); $args['home_text'] = __( 'Home' ); $args['link_before'] = ''; $args['link_after'] = ''; $args['link_attr'] = ' rel="v:url" property="v:title"'; $args['delimiter'] = ' » '; // Delimiter between crumbs $args['before'] = ''; // Tag before the current crumb $args['after'] = '';// Tag after the current crumb // output the breadcrumbs according to arguments $markup['breadcrumbs'] = wppizza_breadcrumbs($args); return $markup; }
Additional filterhooks available you could use alternatively to the ‘wppizza_loop_before_menu_items’ above or even additionally if you like
- wppizza_loop_before_header - wppizza_loop_after_header - wppizza_loop_before_menu_items - wppizza_loop_after_menu_items - wppizza_loop_before_additives - wppizza_loop_after_additives - wppizza_loop_before_pagination - wppizza_loop_after_pagination
WPPizza options
After every order
change the currency symbol or add a new currency
if you want change currency symbols for a given currency or indeed need to add a new one in case your currency is missing from the 140+ already available
@param: array (array of all currencies with they array key being 3-letter ISO and the value being symbol you want to have displayed)
@return: array
add_filter('wppizza_filter_currencies', 'myprefix_filter_currencies'); function myprefix_filter_currencies($curr){ /* example, changing the default symbol from € to EUR */ $curr['EUR'] = 'EUR'; /* example, adding a new currency ABC being the 3-letter ISO and # being the currency symbol to be displayed */ $curr['ABC'] = '#'; return $curr; }
T&C’s – How do licences work (Support, Updates, Renewals, Refunds)
WPPizza + Woocommerce
Privacy (GDPR)
As of WPPizza version 3.6+ privacy controls can be found under WPPizza -> Tools -> Privacy (GDPR)
([tab] at the top) .
Please refer to the help screen there regarding details.
(Privacy controls for WPPizza versions between v3.5 and v3.5.0.2 can be found at WPPizza->Settings->Privacy, although using v3.6+ is recommended as more options are available)