
Codesnippets, using hooks and filters for the wppizza plugin to use in your own development as required

Unconfirmed Orders

Mark orders as unconfirmed initially until some script/user interaction accepts the order. Requires wppizza 3.3 (but might also work with slightly earlier versions) Note: the basics of this are tested, but further modifications will be required. Read the notes for each filter/action below. This might 

Add file attachment to email

Adding an arbitrary file attachment to an email – REQUIRES WPPizza v3.2.10 wppizza_filter_mail_attachments alter the filepath and file contents as well as the recipient key according to your requirements. @param: array (current attachments) @param: str (recipient) @param: array (email settings) @param: array (formatted order details) 

Create your own sales report

Modify the sales report generated when clicking the export link in WPPizza -> Reports The sales report can be manipulated using a variety of filters/actions according to the examples below. Depending on your requirements, you might need to use one, more or all of them. 

Get only todays orders on order history page

Only display todays orders in WPPizza -> Orderhistory if you only ever want to get todays orders on admin order history page, something like this might work for you wppizza_filter_orders_query @param: str (the query string) @return: str example: add_filter(‘wppizza_filter_orders_query’, ‘myprefix_admin_orderhistory_query_filter’); function myprefix_admin_orderhistory_query_filter($query){ $today = date(‘Y-m-d’,current_time(‘timestamp’)); 

Email/Print Templates

Email / Print template functions – Requires WPPizza v3.9.3+ wppizza_template_parameters / wppizza_template_markup (functions) query for a certain set of orders and return print or email template markup – according to template selected – for each order example : /********************************************************* * [get email or print template 

On (admin) order status update

Sending an email whenever you change the status of an order in WPPizza -> Orderhistory send an email (or whatever else it is you would like to do) when you change the status of an order in the order history wppizza_on_orderstatus_change @param: array (order details) 

Customise order id

A filter to further ( or use instead) modify the order number than is possible in WPPizza->Order Settings->Global Note, this will NOT change the entry in the db. Only in emails and order history. if you change this filter at any time later , the 

Gateway filters frontend

Conditionally display gateways if you wanted to disable a gateway conditionally (lets say no cash on delivery for non logged in users) you could add this to your themes functions.php wppizza_filter_gateways_orderpage @param: array @return: array example: add_filter(‘wppizza_filter_gateways_orderpage’, ‘my_custom_gateways_filter’); function my_custom_gateways_filter($gateways){ /* disable Cash on delivery 

Get (logged in) users previous order details

Gettings ome info about a logged in users previous orders programatically the ‘wp’ action hooks is only for demonstration purposes. you will probably want to use another action or filter hook as required /* change wp hook to whatever is appropriate */ add_action(‘wp’, ‘my_custom_loggedin_customer’); function