Global WPPizza functions

Below you will find a number of globally available WPPizza related functions you could use in your own plugin development or for use in filters / actions wppizza_is_checkout (alias of wppizza_is_orderpage) determine if the current page the user is on is the WPPizza checkout page 

WPPizza options

Filtering wppizza options (for you own plugin development for example) wppizza_filter_options if you want change any WPPizza option values depending on some arbitrary setting and or write a plugin that dynamically changes values or any other things that you can think of that needs a 

After every order

Run an action after every successful completed order wppizza_on_order_execute if you want run an action (i.e your own function/plugin) after an order has been successfully completed, you can hook into wppizza_on_order_execute @param: int @param: array (formatted array of order details) @param: array (an array of 


change the currency symbol or add a new currency wppizza_filter_currencies if you want change currency symbols for a given currency or indeed need to add a new one in case your currency is missing from the 140+ already available @param: array (array of all currencies 

wppizza / functions.php

Typically, to add your custom actions and filters you would add them to your themes or better still child-themes functions.php. (Please see here why using a child theme for any customisation is by far the better and recommended way WordPress Child Themes) However, if you 

wppizza / markup / search / search.php

Display wppizza menu items in search results keeping prices and other relevant WPPizza menu item information intact to work with your theme Only really used/needed if using WPPizza search widget with wppizza menu items enabled or equivalent shortcode NOTE: although the following would work the 

wppizza / markup / single / single.php

Display single wppizza menu item keeping prices and other relevant WPPizza menu item information intact to work with your theme Only really used/needed if using WPPizza search widget with wppizza menu items enabled or including “permalink” in elements attributes of shortcode. NOTE: although the below 

wppizza / markup / loop / header.php

Category header Note: many display options are also available by simply using the relevant shortcode attributes instead of using filters CSS Targeting header element id: #wppizza-header-[category-slug]-[category-id] header element class: .wppizza-header header element class: .wppizza-header-[category-slug] Use your browsers element inspector to identify all classes and id’s 

wppizza / markup / loop / no_results.php

Menu items – No results Note: many display options are also available by simply using the relevant shortcode attributes instead of using filters CSS Targeting div element class: .wppizza-no_results_found Use your browsers element inspector to identify all classes and id’s if you simply want to 

wppizza / markup / loop / posts.title.php

Menu items – Title with additive idents (if any) Note: many display options are also available by simply using the relevant shortcode attributes instead of using filters CSS Targeting h2 element ID: #wppizza-article-[post_id]-[size_id]-0 h2 element class: .wppizza-article-h2 Use your browsers element inspector to identify all