Author: super_admin_v3x
By Category
(Items in) Categories Display | |||
category=’pizza’ | optional | !all | slug | -slug | which category/ies to (not) display – using category slug !. if omitted, will display menu item of topmost/first – non-empty – category in “WPPizza categories” |
noheader=’1′ | optional | omit|0|1 | set attribute to not display category header and description above list of menu items |
showadditives=’1′ | optional | omit|0|1 | show/hide/auto list of additives |
exclude=’5,6,8′ | optional | integers, comma separated | comma separated list of menu items you want to exclude |
include=’5,6,8′ | optional | integers, comma separated | comma separated list of the menu items you want to include. Excludes ALL OTHER menu items. |
item_class=’my_class another_class’ | optional | valid class name(s) | add your own class name(s) to each menu item (although there are plenty of classes already i would think) |
style=’grid’ | optional | default|responsive|grid | sets the style attribute to override the style settings in “Wppizza->Layout : Style->Which style to use”. Make sure you enable the stylesheet for this style too in “Wppizza->Layout : Style -> Load additional styles” |
elements=’thumbnail, prices, title, content’ | optional | comma separated (depending on style) |
“elements” – comma separated element names – order of elements to display (depends on style attribute)
– elements available: ‘title’, ‘thumbnail’, ‘prices’, ‘content’, ‘permalink’, ‘category’, ‘additives’ following defaults are used if omitted IMPORTANT: if you use the Note: Using the “additives” element will simply also display the same additives that are shown in the title elsewhere. (but you could use the appropriate template filter – ‘wppizza_filter_post_title_markup’ – to remove them from the title ) |
currency_main=’left’ | optional | 0|left|right | position of main/large currency symbol |
currency_price=’right’ | optional | 0|left|right | position of currency symbol next to each price |
image_prettyphoto=’1′ | optional | 0|1 | enable/disable pretty photo |
image_placeholder=’1′ | optional | 0|1 | enable/disable photo placeholder |
viewonly=’1′ | optional | 0|1 | disables items from being added to cart, removes shopping cart icon |
notags=’1′ | optional | 0|1 | strips all tags – images, links etc – from post (menu item) content / text |
accordion=’1′ | optional | omit|0|1 | display multiple categories in accordion style (overrides noheader attribute; ignored for single categories) |
Examples |
– display menu items of the first/topmost category (“WPPizza->Categories”) with published menu items |
[wppizza category='pizza']
– display menu items of the “pizza” category |
[wppizza category='pizza,snacks']
– display menu items of the “pizza” and “snacks” category |
[wppizza category='!all']
– display all menu items of all categories in order of categories set in “WPPizza->Categories” |
[wppizza category='!all,-pizza,-pasta']
– display all menu items of all categories but – exclude “pizza” and “pasta” categories |
[wppizza category='pizza' noheader='1']
– display all menu items of category with slug “pizza” – do not show category header and description above list of menu items |
[wppizza category='pizza' showadditives='0']
– display all menu items of category with slug “pizza” – hide additives list at end of category display – set to 0 to force not to display additives list – set to 1 to always display additives list – omit attribute entirely to automatically display if any menu item in category has additives associated with it. – if using multiple categories on one page , you might want to set this attribute separately per shortcode |
[wppizza category='pizza' exclude='6,5,8']
– display all menu items of category with slug “pizza” – exclude menu items with id’s 6,5,8 |
[wppizza category='pasta, pizza' include='10,11,12']
– display all menu items of category with slug “pasta” or “pizza” – BUT only includes menu items with id 10,11,12 (i.e excludes all menu items that are not 10,11,12) – has priority over exclude if used – set menu id’s must be in the categories displayed – essentially a reverse option of excluding menu items |
[wppizza category='pasta, pizza' style='grid']
– sets the style attribute to “grid” to override the style settings in “Wppizza->Layout : Style->Which style to use” – possible options: grid OR default OR responsive – IMPORTANT: if you set a style here that is NOT already your selected style in “Wppizza->Layout : Style” , make sure you enable the stylesheet for this style too in “Wppizza->Layout : Style -> Load additional styles” |
[wppizza category='pasta, pizza' style='grid' item_class='my_class another_class']
– display all menu items of category with slug “pasta” or “pizza” – use grid style – add your own class name(s) to each menu item (article element) |
[wppizza category='!all' style='responsive' elements='thumbnail, prices, title, content']
– display all menu items of all categories listed by order of categories set in WPPizza->Categories – use responsive style – sets elements displayed to be thumbnail, prices, title, content (in that order). – simply omit an element to not display it, omit attribute entirely to display default elements – elements available: ‘title’, ‘thumbnail’, ‘prices’, ‘content’, ‘permalink’ – default for ‘default’ style = ‘thumbnail, prices, title, content’ – default for ‘responsive’ style = ‘title, thumbnail, prices, content’ – default for ‘grid’ style = ‘title, thumbnail, prices, content’ NOTE: If you use the permalink element, you should set up a single.php template according to the manual (note to self: link to insert when available) |
[wppizza category='pasta, pizza' currency_main='left']
– display main large currency symbol to left of prices – omit “currency_main” attribute to use global settings in “Wppizza->Layout-> Prices / Currency Symbols : *Main* currency symbol and *Main* currency symbol position” – ‘0’ to not display – ‘right’ to display to the right of prices – ‘left’ to display to the left of prices |
[wppizza category='pasta' currency_price='left']
– displays small currency symbol left of each price – omit “currency_price” attribute to use global settings in “Wppizza->Layout-> Show a currency symbol directly next to each price” – ‘0’ to not display – ‘right’ to display to the right of each price – ‘left’ to display to the left of each price |
[wppizza category='pasta' image_prettyphoto='0']
– disable prettyPhoto for this menu item list – omit “image_prettyphoto” attribute to use global settings in “Wppizza->Layout-> Enable prettyPhoto (Lightbox Clone) on menu item images” – ‘0’ to disable – ‘1’ to enable |
[wppizza category='pasta' image_placeholder='0']
– disable placeholder images if no featured image associated with menu item – omit “image_placeholder” attribute to use global settings in “Wppizza->Layout-> Display placeholder image” – ‘0’ to disable – ‘1’ to enable |