Author: super_admin_v3x

I am using the WPtouch plugin and it doesn’t work anymore

wptouch – by default – does not render the sidebar when switching to mobile mode. it’s not even just hiding it, it’s just not outputting it. if you use wptouch and have the shoppingcart in a/the sidebar, it will not work as you cannot add 

Menu Items

Overview – click on the links to view all available attributes Menu Items Type Example Description   By Category [wppizza category=’slug’] Displays menu items of one, multiple or all categories Bestsellers [wppizza bestsellers=’10’] Displays top 10 bestsellers Single item [wppizza single=’5′] Display only one particular 

By Category

(Items in) Categories Display
category=’pizza’ optional !all | slug | -slug which category/ies to (not) display – using category slug !. if omitted, will display menu item of topmost/first – non-empty – category in “WPPizza categories”
noheader=’1′ optional omit|0|1 set attribute to not display category header and description above list of menu items
showadditives=’1′ optional omit|0|1 show/hide/auto list of additives
exclude=’5,6,8′ optional integers, comma separated comma separated list of menu items you want to exclude
include=’5,6,8′ optional integers, comma separated comma separated list of the menu items you want to include. Excludes ALL OTHER menu items.
item_class=’my_class another_class’ optional valid class name(s) add your own class name(s) to each menu item (although there are plenty of classes already i would think)
style=’grid’ optional default|responsive|grid sets the style attribute to override the style settings in “Wppizza->Layout : Style->Which style to use”. Make sure you enable the stylesheet for this style too in “Wppizza->Layout : Style -> Load additional styles”
elements=’thumbnail, prices, title, content’ optional comma separated (depending on style) “elements” – comma separated element names – order of elements to display (depends on style attribute)

– elements available: ‘title’, ‘thumbnail’, ‘prices’, ‘content’, ‘permalink’, ‘category’, ‘additives’

following defaults are used if omitted
– ‘default’ style: elements = ‘thumbnail, prices, title, content’
– ‘responsive’ style : elements = ‘title, thumbnail, prices, content’
– ‘grid’ style: elements = ‘title, thumbnail, prices, content’

IMPORTANT: if you use the permalink element, you must also use/create a single.php file that works with your theme. Please open wppizza/templates/markup/single/single.php in a suitable text editor and follow the instructions contained within the file

Note: Using the “additives” element will simply also display the same additives that are shown in the title elsewhere. (but you could use the appropriate template filter – ‘wppizza_filter_post_title_markup’ – to remove them from the title )
using the ‘category’ element will display the category *name*

currency_main=’left’ optional 0|left|right position of main/large currency symbol
currency_price=’right’ optional 0|left|right position of currency symbol next to each price
image_prettyphoto=’1′ optional 0|1 enable/disable pretty photo
image_placeholder=’1′ optional 0|1 enable/disable photo placeholder
viewonly=’1′ optional 0|1 disables items from being added to cart, removes shopping cart icon
notags=’1′ optional 0|1 strips all tags – images, links etc – from post (menu item) content / text
accordion=’1′ optional omit|0|1 display multiple categories in accordion style (overrides noheader attribute; ignored for single categories)
– display menu items of the first/topmost category (“WPPizza->Categories”) with published menu items
[wppizza category='pizza']
– display menu items of the “pizza” category
[wppizza category='pizza,snacks']
– display menu items of the “pizza” and “snacks” category
[wppizza category='!all']
– display all menu items of all categories in order of categories set in “WPPizza->Categories”
[wppizza category='!all,-pizza,-pasta']
– display all menu items of all categories but
– exclude “pizza” and “pasta” categories
[wppizza category='pizza' noheader='1']
– display all menu items of category with slug “pizza”
– do not show category header and description above list of menu items
[wppizza category='pizza' showadditives='0']
– display all menu items of category with slug “pizza”
– hide additives list at end of category display
– set to 0 to force not to display additives list
– set to 1 to always display additives list
– omit attribute entirely to automatically display if any menu item in category has additives associated with it.
– if using multiple categories on one page , you might want to set this attribute separately per shortcode
[wppizza category='pizza' exclude='6,5,8']
– display all menu items of category with slug “pizza”
– exclude menu items with id’s 6,5,8
[wppizza category='pasta, pizza' include='10,11,12']
– display all menu items of category with slug “pasta” or “pizza”
– BUT only includes menu items with id 10,11,12 (i.e excludes all menu items that are not 10,11,12)
– has priority over exclude if used
– set menu id’s must be in the categories displayed
– essentially a reverse option of excluding menu items
[wppizza category='pasta, pizza' style='grid']
– sets the style attribute to “grid” to override the style settings in “Wppizza->Layout : Style->Which style to use”
– possible options: grid OR default OR responsive
– IMPORTANT: if you set a style here that is NOT already your selected style in “Wppizza->Layout : Style” , make sure you enable the stylesheet for this style too in “Wppizza->Layout : Style -> Load additional styles”
[wppizza category='pasta, pizza' style='grid' item_class='my_class another_class']
– display all menu items of category with slug “pasta” or “pizza”
– use grid style
– add your own class name(s) to each menu item (article element)
[wppizza category='!all' style='responsive' elements='thumbnail, prices, title, content']
– display all menu items of all categories listed by order of categories set in WPPizza->Categories
– use responsive style
– sets elements displayed to be thumbnail, prices, title, content (in that order).
– simply omit an element to not display it, omit attribute entirely to display default elements
– elements available: ‘title’, ‘thumbnail’, ‘prices’, ‘content’, ‘permalink’
– default for ‘default’ style = ‘thumbnail, prices, title, content’
– default for ‘responsive’ style = ‘title, thumbnail, prices, content’
– default for ‘grid’ style = ‘title, thumbnail, prices, content’
NOTE: If you use the permalink element, you should set up a single.php template according to the manual (note to self: link to insert when available)
[wppizza category='pasta, pizza' currency_main='left']
– display main large currency symbol to left of prices
– omit “currency_main” attribute to use global settings in “Wppizza->Layout-> Prices / Currency Symbols : *Main* currency symbol and *Main* currency symbol position”
– ‘0’ to not display
– ‘right’ to display to the right of prices
– ‘left’ to display to the left of prices
[wppizza category='pasta' currency_price='left']
– displays small currency symbol left of each price
– omit “currency_price” attribute to use global settings in “Wppizza->Layout-> Show a currency symbol directly next to each price”
– ‘0’ to not display
– ‘right’ to display to the right of each price
– ‘left’ to display to the left of each price
[wppizza category='pasta' image_prettyphoto='0']
– disable prettyPhoto for this menu item list
– omit “image_prettyphoto” attribute to use global settings in “Wppizza->Layout-> Enable prettyPhoto (Lightbox Clone) on menu item images”
– ‘0’ to disable
– ‘1’ to enable
[wppizza category='pasta' image_placeholder='0']
– disable placeholder images if no featured image associated with menu item
– omit “image_placeholder” attribute to use global settings in “Wppizza->Layout-> Display placeholder image”
– ‘0’ to disable
– ‘1’ to enable


Bestsellers Note: You can also use all other non-category related attributes as listed in “By Category”   bestsellers=’5′ required integer Number of bestsellers to display (Sales > 0 in descending order) ifempty=’5,9,8,11′ optional menu item id’s, comma separated display menu items with ids 5,9,8 and 

Single Menu Items

Display Single Menu Item Simply output one (or more) single menu item instead of menu items of a whole category Note: You can also use all other non-category related attributes as listed in “Categories / Category Loop / By Category” (style, currency position, elements etc) 


Overview – click on the links to view all available attributes

Type Example Description
Instead of using WPPizza widgets you could also use shortcodes to display these in non-widgetised or in other arbitrary areas
Cart [wppizza type=’cart’] the WPPizza cart widget
Minicart [wppizza type=’minicart’] Display minicart
Totals [wppizza type=’totals’] A barely styled very small basic totals widget to use as required
Additives [wppizza type=’additives’] Display of all defined additives
Orderinfo [wppizza type=’orderinfo’] Shows orderinfo (discounts etc)
Openingtimes [wppizza type=’openingtimes’] Display opening times
Pickup Choices [wppizza type=’pickup_choices’] Show pickup/delivery choice
Navigation [wppizza type=’navigation’] Navigation widget (only useful with Install Option 2 !!)
Search [wppizza type=’search’] Wppizza searchbox


Cart Output the cart widget Note: Pickup/delivery choice will automatically added underneath cart if enabled. See Wppizza->Order Settings for options. type=’cart’ required string   minicart=’1′ optional omit | 1 | ‘only’ omit attribute to not use minicart, 1 to enable minicart, ‘only’ to use minicart 


Minicart Display the minicart Note: only one instance of the minicart will ever be displayed, regardles how many times it has been enabled/added type=’minicart’ required string   Examples   [wppizza type=’minicart’] – enable minicart. Additional layout options available under “Wppizza->Layout : Minicart”. Only one minicart 


A small shoppingcart, barely styled. If used you will probably want to use your own custom style/css somewhere. Will not be displayed on Orderpage.
type=’totals’ required string  
itemcount=’left’ optional omit|left|right Set location to display item count left or right. Omit to not display count at all.
value=’items’ optional items Set to ‘items’ to show sum of items. Omit (or anything else) to show total after discounts etc
checkout=’1′ optional 0|1 Set to 1 to display checkout button (provided checkout page exists). Omit attribute (or set to 0) to not add the checkout button.
viewcart=’1′ optional 0|1 Set to 1 to display view cart button
cart_view=’summary’ optional itemised|summary NOTE: ‘viewcart’ must be set to 1 for this to have any effect. Set to ‘itemised’ to only show items in cart when clicking cart icon. Set to ‘summary’ to only show summary when clicking cart icon. Set to itemised,summary (or simply omit) to show full cart
count_only=’1′ optional 0|1 1 to only display the count of items without value
[wppizza type='totals']
– a small widget with basic cart info. no item count, sum displayed is total including discounts etc, no checkout button shown, no view cart icon shown
[wppizza type='totals' itemcount='left' value='items' checkout='1' viewcart='1' cart_view='summary']
– a small widget with basic cart info. item count to left of sum (if>0), sum displayed equals sum of items before discounts etc, checkout button shown (if checkout is available/possible), view cart icon shown, only cart summary shown when clicking on cart icon
[wppizza type='totals' itemcount='right' checkout='0' viewcart='1' cart_view='itemised']
– a small widget with basic cart info. item count to right of sum (if>0), sum displayed equals total including discounts etc, no checkout button shown, view cart icon shown, full cart shown when clicking on cart icon
If you use it and want to add some additional output before/after the widget (Like “cart” or something) you might want to wrap it into

	echo" some text before";
	do_shortcode('[wppizza type="totals"]');
	echo" something after";

as no output will be produced on the orderpage as this would only confuse the issue and all relevant details are of course already there.


Additives Display all additives as set in “WPPizza -> Additives”.   type=’additives’ required string   class=’some-class’ optional valid class name Add your own class name to the widget container Examples   [wppizza type=’additives’] – Display all your additives somewhere. There are plenty of css classes