Please note: As WPPizza v3.0+ is almost a complete re-write of v2.x, most action and filter hooks as well as template structures alongside some css have changed. Therefore, if you have customised your WPPizza version 2.x, please refer to the documentation below as to how to re-apply/migrate your customisations. If you cannot find the relevant details here please let me know using the contact form and – if at all possible – I will add relevant documentation or perhaps be able to at least point you in the right direction.
Depending on how extensively you have customised the plugin, I am aware that this might result in quite a bit of work. However, to aid further development of the plugin and simplify future add-on and gateway development this was simply unavoidable unfortunately.
For documentation regarding the previous version of the plugin (i.e v2.x) please refer to the relevant codesnippets, documentation and support forum.Sections/links here as well as on etc will be updated accordingly and as soon as possible once version 3.x is being released via the WP repository.
- FAQ's
- T&C's - About Licences
- WPPizza + Woocommerce
- Privacy (GDPR)
- Customisation
- Sorting categories
- Adding menu items
- Sorting menu items
- Menu item images
- Registration before ordering
- Changing admin name / icon
- How do I receive the orders
- Sending html emails
- Display menu without online order
- Best theme to use
- Gmail smtp settings
- Using a cache plugin
- Autoprint order
- Removing version numbers
- Integrating POS systems
- Extensions: Bundles / Discounts
- WPPizza in other languages
- WPPizza as mobile App
- Submitting bugs, help, feature requests
- Shortcodes
- Menu Items (4)
- By Category (1)
- Bestsellers (1)
- Single Menu Item (1)
- Widgets (11)
- Pages (5)
- Developer Docs
- Modify Css/Styles/Layout (4)
- Modify Templates (51)
- Pages (7)
- Order (4)
- Global (15)
- Cart (9)
- Loop (Menu Items) (11)
- Search (2)
- Single Menu Item (2)
- Filters, Actions, Functions (7)
- Constants (11)
- Codesnippets (18)
- Extensions / Gateways (13)
- Troubleshooting
- Enable Debug
- Headers already sent ...
- The "register" feature doesn’t appear on my site
- Cannot add more than one item to cart
- Missing "Place Order" button
- Cart empty on checkout
- Shortcodes do not work in widgets
- Missing WPPizza Categories in Admin
- Update Failed: Plugin Update Failed
- I'm using the plugin with xyz theme and it's all messed up
- I am using the WPtouch plugin and it doesn’t work anymore